this new jersey forum is A JOKE


Well-Known Member
you people in new jersey need to stand up. this forum of jersey is a joke. what are you scared of? fat christie? these forums are to unite the people. wake the fuck up and stand for your right. its been 3 years whats wrong with you people.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking the same thing man... im contemplating if its to early to start a grow outside since we have been having all this beautiful weather


Active Member
i dont think it's fair to blame the citizens, afterall this IS a state that isn't at all very tolerant. To say "hey new jersian's get off your fat asses" is somewhat like saying go get arrested. What is it WE can do, i agree it's a joke but I don't agree with who you think the joke is on. Simply put, the legislation is a joke, the cronies in trenton are a joke, and I see complete legalization within 5years...sooner if Ron Paul is elected president.


Well-Known Member
i think it is completely fair to blame the citizens. their the ones who voted for the people that run this state. i dont see no rallies, no 420 movements, nothing at all. WE should have a big ass smoke out on the capital steps and see if they can arrest us all :joint:


Active Member
shit like that gets u arrested b.c yes they CAN throw us all in jail. fear is how they win this campaign, fear is their tool for keeping the masses controlled


Well-Known Member
wasn't a law passed by both houses and signed into law 3 years ago?Class action lawsuit is needed by eligable patients.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
shit like that gets u arrested b.c yes they CAN throw us all in jail. fear is how they win this campaign, fear is their tool for keeping the masses controlled
stay in the light side of life amongst the dookie festival. U ppl keep it real. don't be afraid to make some changes, just be smart. low-key if u must, wait 'em out, get yer vote on... posse relocation services perhaps,,

stay kool this summer,


Well-Known Member
you people in new jersey need to stand up. this forum of jersey is a joke. what are you scared of? fat christie? these forums are to unite the people. wake the fuck up and stand for your right. its been 3 years whats wrong with you people.

Well, is Pennsylvania a Medical Marijuana state yet? What's wrong with you people!?! :lol:


kona gold

Well-Known Member
Well, is Pennsylvania a Medical Marijuana state yet? What's wrong with you people!?! :lol:

So do you think if Pennsylvania becomes med legal, that all the area will become more tolerant because all surrounding states will be compliant??