this nutrients?


Active Member
which is reccomended

Fox Farm Tiger Bloom 2-8-4 Nutrient
Fox Farm Cha Ching® 9-50-10

for flowering?


Active Member
i plan on using grow big for my vegging and cha ching most likely for flowering caus grow bigs a liquid nutrient an cha ching is dry soluble so they work together


Active Member
i noticed big bloom has a lot less NPK is that better during flowering? caus the cha ching is 9-50-10 ALOT more then big bloom


Well-Known Member
I use grow big and big bloom during veg and then switch aver to tiger bloom and big bloom during flowering. I also add molasses and bud candy during flowering too.


Active Member
thats whatsup yah i just ordered some grow big earlier but i got cha ching for the flowering part caus it was reccomended to me by someone an it seems like itll do some work


Active Member
i was just a reading a lil more about cha ching, am i soppose to use that after the buds have already formed? or do i start using that rite when i start flowering?


Well-Known Member
From what I've read you're supposed to using during flowering, so I would say start using it a couple weeks into 12/12


Active Member
ooh ok cool thanks thats what ill do, when do you think i should add grow big to my smaller plant? its still just a seedling no nutes yet, i was thinking when i transfer into a 2gal bucket id add the grow big, then for flowering id transplant into a 5gal an use the cha ching
good method orr?


Well-Known Member
ok stop posting 100 times in your own thread. Tiger bloom is what you want for flowering, the solubles are just supplemental to the liquids....


Well-Known Member
Most soils have enough nutes in them you shouldn't need any more for your seedlings. I always until about 3-4 weeks into vegging before I add nutes


Well-Known Member
If you are only going to but one thing buy Grow big for veg and switch to Tiger bloom for flower. Think of the rest of the stuff like "additives". You are also going to want to purchase a ph meter if you do not already have one.


Well-Known Member
Good to go then! If you get some extra cash coming when you start flowering you can always pickup some solubles later. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Tiger Bloom good for most all flowering stages. Cha Ching is for the late weeks of flowering. Supposedly it helps create more resin and oil. Can't vouch for it yet since this is the first time I tried it. Been using Tiger Bloom every other day 1/4 strength with Beasty Blooms once a week. Next week or so it'll be time for Cha Ching


Active Member
ooh ok yah i got big bloom tiger bloom an cha ching on the way, if i can scrummage together a few more dollars i can look into that beasty blooms an perhaps do the same method. using big bloom for the veg then tiger bloom an the rest for flower of course