This Ones a Killa


hi all, got a question thats bioling my brain... just starting my first hydroponic grow,,, and was adjusting the ph in the water but then thought whats the point if i have fem seed????

i know it can encourage males but my seeds are fem so why bother adjusting at all??

and before some one gives me abuse for not knowing this i have done coco and soil grows a fair bit just new to hydro so i do have decent knowledge bout cropping...

whats the benefits of adjusting as in all my previous grows i never adjusted anything and all came blazingly well...

thanks once again chaps...



Active Member
you adjust ph as plants take nutrients at differant levels
as you can see you adjust your ph so your plant can uptake what it needs to grow higher than ph 8 an there not getting nothing unless your in soil that proides all the essentials but if your in inert medium than they not going to grow very well


Active Member
also where you live your water supply maybe at the right ph level to uptake its nutrients just you would have abit of chlorine in there but you just let it sit out for 24-48 hours an it will evaporate to acceptable levels hope it helps


right ok thanks for that nothingtodeclare. i guess we learn something everyday,,, i still dont understand why my previous grows in coco and soil were all really good as i never adjusted anything???



Active Member
right ok thanks for that nothingtodeclare. i guess we learn something everyday,,, i still dont understand why my previous grows in coco and soil were all really good as i never adjusted anything???

Some mediums can buffer pH somewhat. However, now that you are growing without any medium, pH will make or break you. You should also have a ppm/EC/tds meter, without it you are pretty much destined to failure in hydro. Welcome to hydro, get ready to experience some of the quickest growth you have ever seen.


thanks bro still finding this a little intimidating like ppm truncheon and gettin ph right. then adjusting feed cycles... its all new but love learnig to produce my own.. enjoyed soil and coco but think soil produced the best taste ...

thanks again chaps..



Active Member
Luckily my ph seems about perfect right out of the tap. I just let it sit out to evaporate chlorine etc. Good luck with your grow :)


RIU Bulldog
ph and Feminized seeds have no correlation.
Just cause you have fem seeds doesn't mean you don;t have to adjut your ph. But you can get away with not using one as I didn;t have one for many years. I bought one this year and now I'm glad I did.


so should i try to aim for 5.8 on my ph? from the graph above that seems to be the optimum range for all the plants nutes? or is there a time where i have to up and down the ph for the plants to get the best range?


RIU Bulldog
I keep it between 5.8-6.2. Light cycle plays no effect on when I choose to run my pump.
Yeah that a good baseline. Once you get the hang of it and your strain, you can adjust the pH to make certain nutrients more available based on the specific strain needs and nute deficiencies and stuff.