This plant has been through hell

Roy Jones


Within the first week of sprouting, the plant survives a pH lockout (first time hydro user) due to a pH adjuster problem.

The second week, the plant survives having its main tap root ripped off by accident.

Coming on the fourth week, the plant had made a full recovery. The roots were finally starting to reach towards the water although have not yet made it. I needed to move the plant/netpot to another place due to 2 other plants on the sides overshadowing this one. I did this and left for the day. Woke up this morning to find out that I did not have the drip-heads open and the rapid rooter had dried out causing the plant to turn a dark green and completely fall over. The roots that were reaching for the water are now gone (possibly shriveled up?). I have since watered the plant thoroughly and once again hoping for a recovery. What are the chances it survives?


Well-Known Member
ive had root damage ... mainly from them ripping them when transplanting.... it recovered but didn't produce fully what it should

if there is still green.. then it'll recover