This shit killed 5 of 8 plants..


One day I looked at my plants and one of them was doing this, the next day three of them had started to do it also, by the end of the week 5 had died from it. But the other three were not affected at all. 2 of them had been flowering for 3 weeks, the rest(5) just one week.
The old leaves were not affected, it happened as the new shoots grew they were deformed & ugly, and a few days after the tops withered and died the plants turned yellow. R.I.P.!!!
Now a week or so before this happened I had treated them for a small spider mite issue. I used Ortho Insecticidal soap! I sprayed it on a paper towel and used it to wipe off the leaves. But I did this to all 8. And the ones that didn't die, didn't get sick at all!
I'm totally domed with bumness over this shit!
This Happened a month ago. The others are doing Great! BudsR'nice!



hey dude,i had a problem just like that.i couldnt grow a plant bigger than 8" without the new growth coming out yellow and deformed.eventually the top shrivells and dies.for the next 2 months i kept cloning and planting new plants and everyone kept doing the same thing as yours.i had gotten all diffrent diagnosis from various sites and i eventually determined it was root not saying that is what you got but the symptoms are similiar.i believe mine started in my cloner seeing that i never really cleaned it out properly just rinsed it with hot water not to mention i had fungas gnats that were probably spreading it even faster.if you clone you should always clean you cloner out with some type of cleaning agent.see what other people on this site have to say,they will probably tell you to check your ph.hope this will help.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that...I have a pineapple express I got as a has been in a papertowel in a baggie for the past 10 days and still hasn't cracked. good luck


it appears to be a nute deficiency of some sort. I could guess but you need to provide more specifics as to temp/rh what nutes ur using light cycle type of medium its in. looks like soil but what kind. are they all in troughs or do u have some in different pots.
they have a page where you can see the info they need to help with diagnoses.