this site.... SKETCHY


stays relevant.
Not unless you attach your address and personal details to every post. If you were concerned with safety, you should have just maintained a guest account (in my opinion), but either way, if it was sketchy, nobody would be doing it, or we would all be in trouble- and as you see that's not the case.

We're allowed to talk, show pictures of plants, etc... doesn't mean any of us are actually the people we say we are, and it also doesn't mean that we aren't. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm legal, so I just don't care. Other than that, keep it small and let Big Brother worry about the real problems.

porch blunt

Active Member
I'm legal, so I just don't care. Other than that, keep it small and let Big Brother worry about the real problems.
fo sho, i mean me myself... i've never even SEEN weed:roll:. just wondering if anyone had heard of anything. how do you obtain a growing license in say... CA?


Active Member
isnt posting pictures of bud and talking about your grow rooms a little sketchy... anyone....?

lol no, why wuld u even think to put in all your reall info, and if you dont put your real info you got nothing too worry about. make sure you lie in the info on your email too.....haha :peace::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Im serving a higher power so, i don't really give much thought. If your hearts in the right place, things usually turn out.The Gov only cares if your making $, if your a broke they don't care that much, cause they have nothing to gain by prosecuting you. But if your a trapp star look out!


Active Member
i would say if you do it in way that is nonchalant then no this site isnt "sketchy" i thought of this myself and i read some of the registry and it says dont put stuff like your liscence plate or your info down..