This time.... this time there WILL be buds...

the alaskan ice still going...


Jeez mammal, that leggy girl looks like she wants to hop up and gallop away. Still got a bit to go though. Looks like some mexican bag seed I grew back in the day - sure hope it smokes better.
lowes has 10 dollar 65 watt cfls that are like the 125 watt hydro farm oines or thwe othewr brandi forgot the name they only actuaLLY USE 86 WATTS AND PUT OUT THAT MUCH LIGHT FOR LIEK 50 PSSH GO TO LOWES THEY HAVE EVERYTHING UYOULL NEED
hey mammal, i'm growing alaskan ice amongst other strains and i hope they look as nice as yours do. I'm using the same kind of lights too with the built in ballast and crappy hood except i have 2 600w hps in them. I take it you didn't use a new reflector in the end?
finally harvested the alaskan ice today, didnt take pics, very leafy bud but at least its finished after like 18 weeks flowering!

will post pics in a couple of weeks time once its dry.
Gotta love the cheese:):):)
Im smoking my AI at the min lol I couldnt wait any longer with nothing to smoke so se came down at nine and half weeks 12/12. I wouldnt call it deverstating by a long way but its a happy buzzy racey high. Try som puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:;)
damn a nice grow. I'm gonna be growing the super strains from high grade seeds and I hope they go as well as yours. I'm growing all 10 of em outside ( wish me luck) BTW: do those ONA blocks work outside as well?

T_H 4:20
heres some alaskan ice harvest pics


looks good right? nice big FAT sativa buds?...

...WRONG. close up, it looks like this:



on the positive side, whats there is nicely covered in trichs. on the downside its all leaf and stalk. see much bud there? me niether :(

will give a smoke report in a few weeks time.
well if the smokes as good as mine smoked whot i got of it yourll be quite happy. I found mine to be tripy spacey couchlocky and racey all at the same time and it smelt lovely.
im also at this moment halfway done making hash from the trim and the more pathetic buds from the alaskan ice, watch this space for pics.