This time.... this time there WILL be buds...


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone for the kind comments :D;

lookin real nice like usual, im still cheerin for skunk#1 :bigjoint:
funny you should say that cos the skunk is now growing the slowest! ive rearranged the plants a little bit to see how the positions of the plants effects how fast they grow.


Well-Known Member
i think the plants were suffering from a bit of underwatering so ive given them a right good soak today, hopefully its that and not a nute problem (which is unlikely cos of the recent repot)

threw some molasses in the water as well for shits and giggles. im sure the girls will tell me tomorrow if theyve appreciated it.


Well-Known Member
pic update, the plants are being shuffled around a little bit but you should be able to read the labels to see which is which, theyve come a loooooong way in 27 days! the white widow especially has exceeded all expectations. it almost makes me wish i just grew 6 white widow... but not quite :D



Well-Known Member
just putting this in this in here so i dont forget:


AI - 9 weeks
SH - 10/11 weeks
WW - 8/9 weeks
BB - 8/9 weeks
BC - 9 weeks
S#1 - 8/9 weeks

dont worry, not intending on flowering for a little while, i want to get a really good harvest from each of these.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the comments guys.

time to introduce my SECRET WEAPON...

its not being used yet, but in a few weeks time when the girls are twice as tall it'll be put into practice!

it might need lowering a bit, but we'll see in a few weeks time.


Well-Known Member

i have a brief statement:


there are female preflowers on both the white widow and the big bang.

heres a closeup of the big bangs:



Well-Known Member
last pic before flowering, going into 12/12 on saturday, happy with the grow so far except the skunk #1 which seems to be stuck in midget mode, hopefully it'll stretch a bit in the first coupla weeks of flowering.

clockwise from the small skunk #1 in the top left hand corner it goes

skunk #1, strawberry haze, bluecheese
whitewidow, big bang, alaskan ice.



New Member
Looking good! I'm looking forward to seeing them in flower - we've been wanting to see (and maybe borrow :P) some pics of pick 'n' mix rooms!


Well-Known Member

during watering I accidentally snapped off the top part of one of the branches of the alaskan ice today, the lanky bitch >_<

it was too far gone to repair so i quickly scooped up some soil (some of the original soil i had PH problems with cos ive already used all the good plagron stuff) in one of the original pots, cut the first node of the cutting off and put it in the soil, then i quickly cut a plastic bottle in half and put it over the cutting in the soil to keep the humidity up.

do i think it'll work? no chance, but i thought it was worth a try rather than just give up. The 'mother' is not really affected that much, i basicly just topped one of the branches.

i'll update with pics if somehow the ganjagods are smiling down on me and it actually roots!


Well-Known Member
Thought id check out ur grow as ur just bout the only 1 lookin in on mine, they're lookin pretty sweet man nice work, like the look of that alaskan ice or watevas bottom left. keep it up,ill be watchin

mr west

Well-Known Member

during watering I accidentally snapped off the top part of one of the branches of the alaskan ice today, the lanky bitch >_<

it was too far gone to repair so i quickly scooped up some soil (some of the original soil i had PH problems with cos ive already used all the good plagron stuff) in one of the original pots, cut the first node of the cutting off and put it in the soil, then i quickly cut a plastic bottle in half and put it over the cutting in the soil to keep the humidity up.

do i think it'll work? no chance, but i thought it was worth a try rather than just give up. The 'mother' is not really affected that much, i basicly just topped one of the branches.

i'll update with pics if somehow the ganjagods are smiling down on me and it actually roots!
i did something similer with a gforce clone, she seems to be still alive but u gotta give em time lol least she dont look dead yet and its been a few weeks lol. Good luck with urs dude


Well-Known Member
i did something similer with a gforce clone, she seems to be still alive but u gotta give em time lol least she dont look dead yet and its been a few weeks lol. Good luck with urs dude
flowering in 2 days time so time is not something ive got alot of :D no big loss really.


Well-Known Member
fuck it, i think im going to start flowering tonight, 2 more days aint gonna make any difference except im gonna get something to smoke 2 days earlier. 12/12 here i come :D

mr west

Well-Known Member
fuck it, i think im going to start flowering tonight, 2 more days aint gonna make any difference except im gonna get something to smoke 2 days earlier. 12/12 here i come :D
good luck mamm, not long now till u get something to look at lol hope u get pics on the young buds