This website needs Autopager BADLY otherwise it sucks

I'm sorry this is a very informative place, lots of info, pics, help, BUT reading through threads is a B*tch. You have to click the stupid tiny numbers at the bottom of each page just to get to the next page. PLEASE for the love of ganga make this website Autopager friendly. I can read and scroll through hundreds of pages on icmag in the time it takes to read 10 pages here. Not that anyone misses me but I hardly read anything here because of that, unless I'm missing something This Site Needs Autopager Badly!:wall:
It says the Google Chrome autopager add-on is compatible with differ sites. Would it work on here, or is RIU not compatible?
anyone got this to work..Especially the 100 page journals is a bitch to read. I downloaded autopager for chrome and it does not work on this site, but work on other sites... It maybe require some tweaking by adding rules or something. If anyone got any info on how to make this page load automatically let me know.
la ganga is a good indian restaurant here...mad good indian food. i fucking love nan and curry..shit i dont even need the tandoori or anything else. nan and curry baby
la ganga is a good indian restaurant here...mad good indian food. i fucking love nan and curry..shit i dont even need the tandoori or anything else. nan and curry baby
wtf u must be superstoned because shit you typed have no meaning to this thread.
Yo, dick in your mouth.
:| ya'll are all just coming up with random shit,aren't ya'll?

anyrate, don't hold your breath op, they havn't done any of several small corrections that would allow them to have more elite members without having to worry about the abuse, and thats something they would make money for. not that it won't happen, upgrades do happen, but again, wouldn't hold my breath. there isn't anyone you can talk to make that happen, unless I'm wrong? anyone?
Hahahaha this thread is commical!

So many useless threads like this getting started and then bashed with things like "yo, dick in your mouth"

I don't care, it's funny though!

I've always found the word "scrotum" hillarious!
You do realize you can adjust the posts per page, right? It doesn't have to be at the default - 10. You can have up to 40 posts per page.

Truly a miracle that you're bitching about clicking a page number to go to a new page of posts. Plenty of, if not almost all websites similar to RIU, have something similar, so please.

I am up for this type of upgrade though:

A basic IQ test members need to pass to successfully gain a membership here.

I bet 30-40% of the Mensa candidates that start threads like this wouldn't even be able to join.

Go into your profile settings, and adjust the posts/page.

Just sayin', thinking, give it a try.

And for fucks sake, it's


Christ, I pity today's youth.
You do realize you can adjust the posts per page, right? It doesn't have to be at the default - 10. You can have up to 40 posts per page.

Truly a miracle that you're bitching about clicking a page number to go to a new page of posts. Plenty of, if not almost all websites similar to RIU, have something similar, so please.

I am up for this type of upgrade though:

A basic IQ test members need to pass to successfully gain a membership here.

I bet 30-40% of the Mensa candidates that start threads like this wouldn't even be able to join.

Go into your profile settings, and adjust the posts/page.

Just sayin', thinking, give it a try.

And for fucks sake, it's


Christ, I pity today's youth.
†L† taken your meds yet, or is your body getting resistant to the current dosage?
Its not that big a deal.
wtf is autopager
If he's talking about what I think hes talking about, you would be able to use the left-right arrow keys to get to the previous-next page...
On an unrelated note, that avatar fucking rocks....
and as far as the sig- what, the butter didn't fix it?! but it was the very best butter!