Currently nothing is pretty. The Demetrius earth has done it's job, haven't cought a cutworm in days, of course I think I probably hand removed them all but... Now let's just hope we get 5 or 6 more nodes on the gg, cc & tp as they are fast versions and will begin to flower next month sometime. Decided not to make colloidal silver as there just is not enough time this year.
I so don't like bugs sometimes. Check out the new enemies.

In case you can't see it a.zoomed image


Baby hoppers. Ugh
Ok so killed 1 more cutworm last night. He hadn't climbed the plant yet as he just got out of the soil. Plants are finally starting to climb. Should be able to get at least 1/4 lb from each at this point.
So I have to remove the chicken wore cages today as the plants are now pushing into the wire. So now on top of cutworms and grasshoppers I have to worry about the rabbits. The dogs seem to not be protecting the garden as they did last year. Two out of 5 dogs sleep near the garden at night but they all ignore it during the day. Ugh, this year is providing to be a pain in my ass
New pics will be taken after chicken wire is removed. Pics just all look like shit with the wire so Ive been waiting.

One of wire cages was tipped over but pretty sure by single antelope since there was tracks running through my garden. Dogs are not doing there job for sure this year.

Helicopters fly directly over garden daily adding to my anxiety.
Alright there shitty pics and they don't show the plants real good. Makes everything look tiny.

So I found out why the dog who always protected my garden has been not giving two shots about protecting it this year. Last night she dug a hole and had babies. Ugh. I guess at least there heeler mix

These are pics from yesterday. 50 mph winds made pics a little hard. Plants are no longer protected in there chicken wire cells.

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Bugs bugs BUGS. so besides the grasshoppers now one of the plants has an ant colony that has took up home in it's pot. Dropped a pile of Demetrius earth on them, be a few days until they move out or die.
So I have been beside myself trying to figure out why my plants appeared over/under watered. My soil seemed like it was moist but still dug down about 2" and Walla dry dirt. I did not take into account the fact I used loads of Demetrius earth. This created a false moist layer around 1/2" from the surface since it holds moisture and accumulated at the normal dry level. Holding moisture at the top while below was bone dry.

Above is ramblings.

Now on top of all my other hug problems I now have FROG problems. Normally I would love them in and around my garden. I even used to make moist holes they would come and hang out in at night time but these little bastards have dug down and deep within the plants pots and below.
Early morning pics. Should have taken after watering. I have to do periodic walks through the garden to push out the grasshoppers. Good thing is there is now a big ass dragonfly looking things that hunt and take the hoppers away.
Early morning pics. Should have taken after watering. I have to do periodic walks through the garden to push out the grasshoppers. Good thing is there is now a big ass dragonfly looking things that hunt and take the hoppers away.
Ok didn't want to take individual pics today because it takes so damn long so here's some of the plants in Mass
Went out and collected some rabbit poop today. Making rabbit poop tea. Only using 1/2 cup to 2.5 gal. Will let it sit for a few days before I use.