This year's grow


Well-Known Member
I have 12 plants in the ground that are looking good. I got them as clones and they are all about 5 weeks old. some are only 4 weeks old. I gave 2 to the hubs who decided he wants to try his hand at growing them in my strawberry barrels and the other 10 are mine. the plants went from happy to sad as soon as I transplanted them but once I gave them some food and trimmed off the dead stuff on the bottom they all perked up and are taking nicely. Here's some pics I took right after transplanting them...they look pretty sad in these pictures so I should take some more now that they are happy and looking healthy.



Well-Known Member
Dudenochance - the guy I got them from said they are all girl scout cookies. I would have bought rag weed clones. lol I'll smoke just about any kind of weed.

lol Mr.Marijuana, they don't look anything like this now. I trimmed off the bottom foilage and topped them. I gave them food and water and they are all much happier.
they all clones from the same mother? looks like you've got more than one strain, see indica heavy and sativa heavy from the leaf structures.. regardless i'm jealous of you're plot - wish you the best of luck.. show us some updated pics please and thanks - stay safe and healthy