This yellowing is normal?

So maybe I should give it less water more often to reduce how much nutes it can get?
(nevermind... The lower roots won't get water if I reduce how much I give...)

As for the dirt question, I plan on doing whatever is the easiest way to go.

I've never kept a plant alive and barely kept my lawn alive. Getting a plant to stay alive for 3 months so far was highly impressive. Ive killed fake plants before.....

Im also a budget grower. I don't want the easiest if it's also the most expensive!

By easiest I don't mean least amount of work, I mean least amount of problems.
Problems are hard. Effort is easy
weed is easy, growing is easy, less is more. it's when you over do it that things go wrong.
organic requires building a living soil and keeping that soil alive.
otherwise, you use a sterile medium, such as peat or coco to just hold the plant. you feed it with synthetic nutrients.
So do I use a pot of black Earth?

Generic lawn and garden soil?

Make a mix of peat moss and perlite?

Or mix of coco coir and perlite?

Or Grow purely in clay pebbles?

Or gravel?

Or purely perlite?
Fox farm is American, I'm Canadian. That junk isn't available here. I can order it overpriced on Amazon, but I won't.

So do I use a pot of black Earth?

Generic lawn and garden soil?

Make a mix of peat moss and perlite?

Or mix of coco coir and perlite?

Or Grow purely in clay pebbles?

Or gravel?

Or purely perlite?
that is what YOU have to decide. there is so many ways to grow. I'll give you a quick run down of how I grow.
start seeds/clones in root riot cubes in a domed tray with side lighting.
I mix pro-mix bx with high quality earth worm castings, when rooted, plants go into 1 gal pot under a 315 cmh light. when they are about a foot tall, they go into a 5 gal mix of the same medium. only getting clean water this whole time. once roots are established in 5 gal. they go to flower under 1000 watts DE where they receive 5 to 800 ppms of dyna gro foliage pro that gets gradually reduced over the last 2 weeks.
that's it. i get over 1/2 lb off some plants and average 5-6 zips per. depending on strain.
With all those problem signs at once I would recommend checking your grounds. I bet your dirt is too warm and you got anaerobic bacteria turning all your nitrates into nitrites. I bet you just hit a wall with the amount of N in your soil and that if you exhumed a plant your roots look like shit and are mostly at the bottom of the pot and not a think white air root to be seen.

That or try clearing your codes and turning it off and on

I am not saying its fusarium but,,,,, its fusarium
The roots I can see, when I poke around through the soil, look great. As well the couple I can see at the bottom of the pot.. In a month or so I'll pull it and take a gander at the root system and let you know.

I LOVE what I just read about worm castings! I think I'll use that route..
I gotta find a pro mix that doesn't have nutes in it though..