Thought of the day

F'ing @xox..........I LOVE IT ! as you said , " The answer is always yes " .......true dat
stoner dude. Sitting here watching that blue , animated towel ( a tad neurotic ) in a nervous query over catching a buzz . I was trying to think if there is anything in my life I do straight ( boring ) .........came up with one.........doctors.....medical procedures......if anything else , I'm " up in smoke " .A " kindred spirit " ......nice...
I really don’t care for being non- smoked up here , on the " Pale Blue Dot " ( Carl Sagan book..............looking at earth from a ka-gillion miles away and ruminating over all the f'ing outrageous violence and fuckupedness this micro-spec has endured . Those greedy sick, psychotic , land , mass manipulation.
Greed has fucked us and will continue to the dawn of time. WHEW ! I'm whipped and I swear smoke is emanating out of both ears! Love dat nervous wreck of a towel .