Thought this section was on hallucinatory drugs? not opiates and meth...

I love regular skunk, i love the taste and smell, brings back damn good memories back in the day when weed would drop a fool, my friend claimed he went blind one time lmao.
Take enough of any substance and you'll hallucinate..coke,method,opium dreams ring a bell..?
More so than a specific substance or class,we enjoy all substances here,without prejudice (cept salvia:-))and do it safely,or,well practice safe Drug consumption and pass along sound info,not grapevine horeshit..
Welcome to h.s.!

I agree 100% , people are gonna do harder drugs than weed & booze no matter what we tell them , we are best off advising noobs in the safest way to use the substance & warn them of dangerous combinations or doseages.

Im sure the 2 most informed HS members have saved quite a few uneducated people from bad experiences, even dangerous situations , IMO HS is a very important forum .

Because people are free to ask questions about any drug they want to here. I'm a firm believer in harm reduction, people are going to do drugs regardless of consequences so helping them do them in a less harmful manner means they're less likely to be killed by their use of said drugs.
We definitely love our psychedelics in here :)
alcohol = regret

I've had lots and lots of experience with drinking started non stop since i was 15 years old, and i still make an idiot of myself sometimes

plus drinking too much is the worst feeling the world and it can easily happen, especially when ppl are shoving shots in your face
Heroin is in the lead for me but I'm sure alcohol will catch up in time.
good to see that we still have some horse users lol yeah i still bang it not hard tho but still a every day thing for me tryed giving up fent and failed so now its just a mix of h and fent and poppy seeds fuck do i love them when done right getting a 8-12 hour mild morph high cant complain with that but H and fent i swap my fent for H but dont no more as my old mate is flowing strong again
good to see that we still have some horse users lol yeah i still bang it not hard tho but still a every day thing for me tryed giving up fent and failed so now its just a mix of h and fent and poppy seeds fuck do i love them when done right getting a 8-12 hour mild morph high cant complain with that but H and fent i swap my fent for H but dont no more as my old mate is flowing strong again
How did you try kicking?