Thoughts in my head

When I met you, I wasn’t planning on falling in love
I wasn’t ready to be attracted to someone
But you awakened feelings inside of me that I had forgotten did exist
When I met you, I didn’t realize how much our love would grow
That the attraction that first brought us together
Would reach beyond passion to the comfort of knowing
I have someone very special
Someone who is not only a lover
But a close friend
When I met you I had no idea where our relationship would lead us
How beautiful you would make my world
But I know without a doubt
The luckiest day in my life was
The day I met you
18...†L†not that I'm keeping count or anything... ;)
as a side note, has the subject of this poetry seen this? If not, you should really show him, I know if I was him I'd want to see this...just sayin...which I apparently do alot....bad habit...I'll work on it...
i dont know i think he knows. sometimes i want him to see, sometimes i think he will turn away because of my crazyness. he knows i love him.
Only Dreaming

I snuck into your dreams last night
Though you didn’t know I was there
I stroked your cheek
Kissed your lips
Ran my fingers through your hair
I laid there with you
And watched you while you slept
The memory of your beauty
In my soul is kept
In your dreams
you softly say my name
And for the sweetest moment
I thought you knew I came
The sun will soon be rising
And I know I soon should go
I whispered that I loved you
Thou you will never know
So I go back to my own mind
And this cell
That they call life
What is going on
Did not god here my prayer
Why did I come back
And leave my angel there​
i dont know i think he knows. sometimes i want him to see, sometimes i think he will turn away because of my crazyness. he knows i love him.

If it alienates him, he wasn't worth it, but I SERIOUSLY doubt it would have that effect...that would shock the hell out of me...but as long as he knows that i suppose... ;)
You shouldn't, especially if you want to keep him *which is obvious from what you show us) but I do understand, nothing is scarier than showing someone you love the details of your heart, because rejection in that instance can be devastating and painful. With that said, you have to eventually. Weather its time or not of course you'd know better than I, I don't know the details at all afterall, but I'm just saying, when a women has done any art for me, be it paining or poetry, it meant more to me than I will ever be able to put into words. Even when they didn't last. Just knowing a women thought enough of me that I was her muse helps when I get insecure even now. Just sayin....and I so need to stop doing that...
one more year
one more day
one more thought
why couldnt i make you stay
one more kiss
one more touch
one more caress
i wanted so much
one more one hit
one more line
one more night
no longer mine
one more knife
one more cut
no more life
you can have your slut
i love the way you touch me
the way you make me feel
i love when your inside me
you make my dreams so real
i dont know where i found you
or where you were before
i dont know how you shook me
but you left me craving more
you cant ever leave me
if you did i think id die
you can never leave me
a fallen angel can not fly
you will always protect me
your strong arms will hold me tight
you will always protect me
my shelter in the night
keep me close right by you
my love i hide in your heart
keep me close right by you
we will never tear apart
if you ever hate me
please don't let it show
if you ever hate me
i couldnt bare to know
i want you here forever
you make myself complete
i want you here forever
i hope your needs i meet
my Romeo
diffrent places
no place to go
can we pretend
can i go within
pretend im still alive
all this suffering
when does it end
i cant believe
your still my friend
just let me go
you of all should know
im not fit for this life
hold me love
while i die