Thoughts on 2cb?

Well I thought this chart was just perfect.


After about 5 hours you should be nearly baseline.

Very cool :)

Could almost dose in the afternoon, go through the night and wake up the next day for work?

Or would you recommend a day or a half day for recovery?
There! Where did that put ya? LoL
'There' is the place you can get that allows you to counteract mods. ;) Ever been hit by Fdds neg rep? That shit hurts. A rep from Sr. Verde and Shepj an hour later and I had more rep then I had before he negged me. It's a good feeling to have friends that care. ^_^
'There' is the place you can get that allows you to counteract mods. ;) Ever been hit by Fdds neg rep? That shit hurts. A rep from Sr. Verde and Shepj an hour later and I had more rep then I had before he negged me. It's a good feeling to have friends that care. ^_^

I know what you mean. FDD repped me and my shit trippled. I was referring to the rep I just employed upon the Senior.
geeze that's pretty nice? people here are generous this is my second account too

in a few hours here I probably dish out like 15 reps