Thoughts on 30%rh

im new, so please forgive me, but is this what people call "bro science"?
Jar it. Burp as normal until humidity is in the 45-50% range and leave open longer. Takes a bit of time. But nature will balance it out. And little chance of mold from over dry below 60% relative extending burpings. Or use boveda. I believe it inhibits flavor. But save your buds.

Thats what I do. Its really dry here in Co, its a struggle to dry slowly. I err on the side of caution and jar shortly after the buds feel dry on the outside and the little fans sticking out are just crimping up. I leave them as long colas and jar with a good amount of stem, even keeping some of the main stalk handy if buds are not colas. Buds pull moisture from the stem. Leave open for a few hours each day, basically until the top feels dry when touched, close overnight and will be moist again, leave open, and so on.

I have had luck putting a big plastic bag around a whole hanging plant overnight to do the same sort of thing, buds rehydrate from the moisture in the stem...kind of a terrible idea though as thats a great way to have mold issues.