Thoughts on bottling bubble teas??

I make compost, seed sprout and alo teas for my plants, I know some microbes go dormant and come back.. Anybody have any experience or knowledge?
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Stinky Herb

I never bottled my teas I’ve always just used it when it was done brewing. I assume bottling would cut off oxygen killing the aerobic bacteria(good guys) giving the anaerobic bacteria(bad guys) a chance to take over. You could try it bottle up a little check it in a few weeks. If it stinks like hell no good.


Well-Known Member
I’m guessing you can use a bottle with a one way airlock and keep it refrigerated. It should keep for a short while. Like a week maybe. But the microbes will slowly die. Its better to use fresh as these teas are all about the microbes,


Well-Known Member
Wonder how the ones available in bottles work?
its because they are facultative anaerobes. they can live with or without oxygen. bottling bubbled teas is no bueno because you do indeed seal off O2.

to put the process simply... when you bubble a tea you provide plenty of O2 for growth. at a certain point, so much growth consumes more O2 than you can supply with a bubbler. Then your tea can go anaerobic even though you're supplying O2. Not to mention, so much growth means increased waste products from the microbes, making the mix toxic to them and killing them off.

always use your bubbled teas fresh and make just enough to use. I know this can be inconvenient but its just the way it works :)
