If it was me, I would twist the main stem right below the top node 45 degrees to the right or left, and everyday I would twist it in that same directions so that it would end up at 45 degrees left or right from its current position. The point of doing that, is to give the top nodes (2) side branches the space to be bent downward without blocking the light to all the lower node side branches. Then at the same time I would bend those (2) top node side branches downward a little each day and tie them down, so that you will allow all the lower node side branches time to catch up with the top nodes (2) side branches! Then when they do catch up untie those (2) top node side branches and they will turn upward on their own. You do that to create an even canopy, which is what you want, instead of flowering a christmas tree, that won't yield you anything near to what a even canopy will!