Thoughts on Mutated Leaves?


Well-Known Member
I have 8 regular Sannie's JH F7's going and one has a mutated leaf where one blade of a leaf has two center veins and two tips. I know it happens and it's not rare but I was wondering whether I should scrap it even if it's female or possibly look at it as my mother if you know what I mean. Thanks



Well-Known Member
hmmm... over a hundred views and no opinions? Thought it was more common or I'm asking the wrong people in the wrong section.


Well-Known Member
hmmm... over a hundred views and no opinions? Thought it was more common or I'm asking the wrong people in the wrong section.
I would say lack of pictures probably the reason for lack of replies... If it were me, I'd grow it out but in my experience I am very weary of some type of mutations cause to me (and this is just my opinion) it seems mutations seem to more herm prone. Now I am sure there is no proof of this and probably no correlation but I always seem to have bad luck with mutants... But... mutants can be a good thing! That's basically all the "cutting only" strains are - like the East Coast Sour everyone loves so much, lol... Give it a shot, you can always pull it later!


Active Member
I also now scrap any mutants as only ever been bad news to me but that seems to be my luck. I had couple of friends have some nice surprises but normally alot more effort to even height canopys with them