Thoughts on this LED. No brand or anything on it. 300 watt. Works great

William Shatter

Well-Known Member
Anybody know who made this? There is no identification on it just some specs on the back.
Maybe some Chinese manufacturer? It's simply called LED Grow Light apparently lol. Here's pics. It's bigger than a milk crate, heavy, blue and red lights.

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
That is a very common design, and some brands that sell them are Mars (the MarsHydro series), PopularGrow, and SuperGrow.
Lacking any brand name on it, you are right that it most likely comes from some Chinese manufacturer.
What you need to ponder, is if it is high quality and the brand name companies buy off that manufacturer, getting their own labels printed on it, or, if it's a lower quality rip-off, taking cheap shortcuts.

I face a similar situation to ponder, I got an Apollo 8 (type, not brand) grow light from a Chinese manufacturer, and externally identical models are sold at a higher price from brand name companies. They just have their brand name like 'GrowBlu' printed on it.
Dunno if there are internal differences.

But I've heard that can be the case, I've seen youtube videos where they crack them open and find some Chinese manufacturers use crappy heat sinks n stuff.

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Yea i got it off a site.. ( paid 30 bucks for it.. the guy who sold it had 3 of them and was a sketch bag stoner who could only tell me "he used them to light up his christmas trees" lmao.. needless to say, i knew even if it was a chinese manufacturer, it was probly worth more than 30 bucks.. and if I was to buy online id be paying a lot more than what I did.. so i think bang for buck I got my moneys worth.. was just hoping to find an actual manufacturer .. I was thinking about opening it up tho and seeing what i could find as far as identification marks.. the internet just makes us lazy in hopes that someone else has the answer haha...
yea right? haha he wanted 50 and even that would have been a deal, but gimme an inch ill try and take a mile.. and going from cfls, to cfls and a street light hps (150w), to a real hps (600W) and now ditching the cfls for the LED.. I paid more for the stupid cfl lights then I did for the 600 hps, and 300 led lol.. I dunno what that means really cuz im drunk and just typing without thinking lol, but i guess moral of the rant is its definately an upgrade.. I made another post in the indoor growing section about leds/hps together, any input on that? everything i google is all led vs hps, but im wondering about using them both together.. or is the hps just dumb at this point? i know some people are pro hps/mh, some people are tryna pioneer the led road.. ive heard ppl say 300/400 watt led's can replace 1000 watt mh/hps systems.. other people are stuck in the ways of mh/hps.. some believe led is only good for veg.. its a full spectrum light so i know potentially it can support both cycles, but would it be better to veg with the led and then flower with the 600 hps? or can I potentially go veg/flower with both the led and hps together, maybe throw some cfl in there too..? is one way better than the other, or is combining both better? or none at all? jedi mind trick style...

im thinkin about using the LED in my veg room for autoflowers and veg stages, and then just the hps for my other flowering plants, keeping the autos in the veg under LED... but then I feel like I could get more yield by throwing the LED in the mix during flowering as well...

shit makes my brain hurt....
that 300watt led is not the one they are saying can replace a 1000 watt hps - they are talking about COB's when they are talking about that. That one will be good for 1-2 plants, maybe a 2'x2' footprint if you're lucky. I would use it as supplemental to your HID or even as a veg light before the HID.
Yep I second SamsonsRiddle's response. You'll get way more light from your 600w hps than the 300w led. But also way more heat.
If heat is no problem, go them both at the same time, during flowering at least. Even get the cfl's in there too, if you only have one growspace.
I use LED in the summer, hps in the colder months :)
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Best of all, get a second growspace so you can veg plants while you are flowering :)
Then you should use the hps for the flower room, and the cfls and/or led for the veg room, complimenting the hps with the unused one if you are vegging with only one or the other.

I'd divide the veg room into two sections, cfls for seedlings or cuttings, then they move on to the led (while you sprout more under the cfls), then eventually on to the flower room.
You wont know til you try it, I found that you get what you pay for most of the time. I have tried had about a half dozen of those types, most were ok for vegging. Good luck, I hope it does well for you. I now use Cree cobs.