Thoughts Organic Miracle Grow?

I have two plants outdoor right now in five gallon buckets with organic miracle grow (garden soil I think it says?) mixed about 60 40 with perilite. They appear to be growing very nice with no burns or signs of stess or dissfunction but my cousin who thinks he knows everything insists that miracle grown is bad ju-ju even the organic stuff and I'm about to be putting a couple more plants out here soon so I was wondering if I should look into getting a new soil mix or if I'm good where I'm at?:dunce:
It ain't (yeah I know {ain't} is not a word) the devil like some people make it out to be. I personally like trying new stuff I read about and exploring new mixes.

Nothing wrong with the price though.
if you see its going good y listen to ur cousin, u gotta find and explore ur own methods not listen to everyone else, half the dickheads on that tlk bad about MG have nvr used it a day in there life, hell i use non organic MG the all purpose soil, only thing bothering my plants is bugs, ppl who get nute burns from MG are probably just using too much, i no plenty of ppl who use MG without problems, its easy to blame the product when its rele the person that made the mistake, skrew ur cousin, keep using it
Yeah he's just one of those people that love to know everything even if they have to BS half of it, but i figured some opinions wouldn't ever hurt. Does anyone know any good methods of keeping bugs off my babes too? And also if i started a plant with one soil like say the organic MG and let it grow a couple of nodes and then went to transplant into another container would it be bad to use different soil in the next container? Like switiching from my organic MG to like fox farm?
Well the 1st problem despite cutting it with perlite is the fact you are placing potting soil in a bucket. Potting soil or garden soil is too heavy for containers and will compact the roots and inhibit growth. Much of the problem has to do with the misuse of terms and no clear definition. Fox Farm ocean forest soil for example is mislabled it should be called potting mix. Potting mix mostly uses what is called a soil less mixture mostly consisting of peat moss. MG is a bad company because they add synthetic fertilizers to their products. Better off with say a Pro Mix with added goodies like bat guano, worm castings, fish products etc(lobster compost, crab compost) etc.
Well the 1st problem despite cutting it with perlite is the fact you are placing potting soil in a bucket. Potting soil or garden soil is too heavy for containers and will compact the roots and inhibit growth. Much of the problem has to do with the misuse of terms and no clear definition. Fox Farm ocean forest soil for example is mislabled it should be called potting mix. Potting mix mostly uses what is called a soil less mixture mostly consisting of peat moss. MG is a bad company because they add synthetic fertilizers to their products. Better off with say a Pro Mix with added goodies like bat guano, worm castings, fish products etc(lobster compost, crab compost) etc.

I bet u have nvr used the stuff. My grow can disprove your theory. Quit typing info u heard from someones ass
I bet u have nvr used the stuff. My grow can disprove your theory. Quit typing info u heard from someones ass

He was just saying to use a potting mix not soil especially garden soil in a pot no good has to be a putting mix no matter the company I use MG the prob I had with the organic mix is not enuff nutes so I switched to Mg porting mix with permits peat bark all there goodies and added.some more 3/4 perlite. I've seen shops sell ff ocean forest for 10 bucks and Walmart has MG for 9.33 so IDE go ff of no slut even at 1.5 cf per bag instead of 2
i used the mg organic this year and i can say that the price was great, and if you make a nice mix with perlite and other spices (lime, other organic nutrients) you can make yourself a nice growing medium. i also tried a couple bags of happyfrog and one bag of roots organic and they are obiously outperforming my mix. *i forgot to add lime so that might be the problem. so i cant really say i did a true side by side. But in the end its comes down to do you want to work a little bit and make up a nice batch of custom soil? or just spend some more money and pretty much have the mix right out of the bag.

i was a big fan of roots organic. decent price, i think next year i am going to skip MG
i used the mg organic this year and i can say that the price was great, and if you make a nice mix with perlite and other spices (lime, other organic nutrients) you can make yourself a nice growing medium. i also tried a couple bags of happyfrog and one bag of roots organic and they are obiously outperforming my mix. *i forgot to add lime so that might be the problem. so i cant really say i did a true side by side. But in the end its comes down to do you want to work a little bit and make up a nice batch of custom soil? or just spend some more money and pretty much have the mix right out of the bag.

i was a big fan of roots organic. decent price, i think next year i am going to skip MG

My only problem with the roots organic is I've never had more gnats than when I used it! I used fox farm for years switched to roots organic aurora and my place blew up with gnats! I switched right away, hung some sticky traps and I've pretty much taken care of it now, just one or two flying around now!
I personally stay AWAY from all MG products.

some growers around here use MG products.. and will argue with you till the end about how great the MG products are.

But, I can tell all of you this much.. MG products (especially soils) contain 'slow release' nutrients, which are already premixed into the soil, when you buy it. Those 'time released' or 'slow released' nutrients are damn near impossible to flush out prior to harvesting your crop(S). Not only are they almost impossible to flush out prior to harvesting the plant(s).. but when you consider that the nutrients are 'premixed' in the soil, you have to wonder just how strong the nutrients are.. how much is in the soil.. exactly how fast/slow the 'time released' nutrients are actually being released.

Those are some very strong issues with MG products.. and they're the factors as to why I don't use ANY 'MG' products when growing cannabis.

Each grower has their 'favorable' product brand that they use/like.. but as far as MG goes, I stay away from all of them.

I switched over to ALL organics.. and have completed one grow using all complete organics and I gotta say, the difference in the smell/looks/taste is just remarkable man. I mean, the difference is so huge.. that, IMO.. it makes all other soils/nutes obsolete to me personally. I will never switch back to non-organics.. never ever will I switch back to regular soil/nutes. Organic is the way to go.. period.

I bet u have nvr used the stuff. My grow can disprove your theory. Quit typing info u heard from someones ass
It's not a question of what works but how it works if we're talking about MG in general. I've used MG in my garden for years and have concluded most of their products have too much plant burning nitrogen. They also make things like tomatoes taste awful compared with organic recipes.

Now as another user has pointed out and to my defense(thank you)I'm mostly talking about throwing soil in a bucket and how that is bad. Soil= sand silt and clay. Loam is an equal measure of each. In a bucket they make great cement over time. Potting mix is almost 100% peat moss. Fox Farm OF is mostly peat moss. There for why take the chance with a corporate entity like MG who if they could get away with it would use toxic waste as a filler product? Home Depot in my area now carries Pro Mix which is a much better product because you can decide which nutrients to add. You can also just buy peat moss and other materials and make your own soil. Many recipes online. If you've got ground to work with though put your plants in the ground. Plants in a bucket are like an 8 foot guy in a twin bed. MG has a monopoly and has spent millions of dollars promoting their brand name. They do not have an organic potting mix I know of. They have an organic garden soil but again soil goes in the ground not in a pot. Not saying plants wouldn't grow in such an environment but they're not going to be their happiest with c-ment shoes.
i have exprienced with MG before, i was exprimented one plant in the mg with half perlite since they have highly checmial in the soil...i did flushed new mixing MG soil once every week to leach the excessive toxic because MG already killed my plant with burning leaves i dont even feed plant any nutes....i guess my plant "OG purple" kush is hypersensitive to that soil. so after several leach its work very well and i added some nutes, other plant grow fine...but its annoying me that bugs keep hovering the pot...I guess its depend on the strains that can grow in MG the best is to have soilless. its easy and conviently :P
So bcuz it doesnt work for you means dont use? Man get that bs outa here and learn to use it

Dont get me wrong im a foxfarm fanboy but mg organuc choice is not bad. I have 3 super healtgy plants in it. As for other mg products i agreewith you
I've use organic choice garden soil but I put it in my garden. It's got some chicken products in there and no doubt that contributes to growth as chicken manure has the best nitrogen but it can burn. Still though that stuff I remember being kinda sandy. I would want something lighter and think most plant would as well. It also comes down to not trusting MG. Then again we're talking about a weed and not something more complex like a tomato so to each their own. Cannabis will grow in the crack of a mosquito's butt if it had the chance.
I've been using this stuff. Thoughts?

I started my MG organic porting mix and and fed rizotonic at 5 weeks for 3 weeks then transplanted into 15G containers with MG non organic potting mix with the time release crap run off never went over 300 ppm and my tap water is 120 ppm
Potting mix. I have used this before and other than the fact it is MG and has all that slow release mumbo jumbo, it actually wasn't that bad and didn't cause compaction like mentioned. It had a lot of...bark? For lack of a better word lol and provided adequate aeration. But for some reason my bubblelicious didn't like it and I am using 50/50 OF and Patio Plus with like 30-40% perlite.
I took my mg organic choice

60% mgoc
20% perlite
20% shpagnum peatmoss. All in 5 gallon pots. Not one prob. Heres 3 plants i have using that mix. All 3 about 3 weeks old i think lol
