Thousands of Forums about Growing Weed


Well-Known Member
I still say its not hard to grow......from all the forums Ive been on and read and participated........ppl try to over complecate Growing......I few basic rules and you can have a great grow with simple shit you build yourself........probley lights and nuiets are the things to go a bit high on but other than that an old bucket.......pearlite and some vermaculte a 5 gallon bucket....poke hole 2 inchs from bottom....use GH 3 part and proper lights and cooling and your good to go........oh and complete dark when lights out poof your done


Well-Known Member
agrred growing is easy and people do over complicate it but i guess if you want the best you have to follow all those guidelines to the tee. as for me i built a box outta plywood got some lights a fan and some pots nutes and perlite and just water them.. i dont do much else.. well we talk every once in a while. lol


Well-Known Member
Some people get an aquarium and throw in some fish and don't think more about it. Others prefer to get more involved and make it a hobby, spend money on it, make something to be proud of. That's why you can find forums on aquariums, model trains, ect. Cultivation is a hobby a lot of people get very involved in, so that's why there is so much information available.

As for schwag weed, I normally do the polite thing but I certainly understand some circumstances like medical situations where a person only has so many breaths left to take, and prefers to spend them on superior weed.


Well-Known Member
Some people get an aquarium and throw in some fish and don't think more about it. Others prefer to get more involved and make it a hobby, spend money on it, make something to be proud of. That's why you can find forums on aquariums, model trains, ect. Cultivation is a hobby a lot of people get very involved in, so that's why there is so much information available.

As for schwag weed, I normally do the polite thing but I certainly understand some circumstances like medical situations where a person only has so many breaths left to take, and prefers to spend them on superior weed.
I agree............its a hobby for some and like you say toss the goldfish in and they are on thier own or get a niece set and learn about breeding and all.....its a great hobby.................everyone is differant........Im stoned on my ass right now and started the thread cause of something I had read......about PH and the 13 pages explainging it and contradicting themselves when the poor guy just wanted to know what PH is proper ....answer should of ben between 5.0 and 7.0 for MJ and try to keep in middle if you can....but was a hell of an argument and very confussing ..........poor guy probley got a brain imbulisem from the post............................but Yes Heisenberg you are I just grow to get high and save money.......I harvest about every 3 weeks with the way I do it............what my son doesnt snitch from me last me long time.............

grow plenty

Well-Known Member
hell yea on the panner man...had a '57 years ago,now i have a 84' flt...first year evo w/ shovel tranny.ive had it 13 years now but i dont ride it much these days....long story, but i still have it! i also have a 2000 victory as well as a 66 old school sporty.....rtl...ltr,right? peace.


Well-Known Member
hell yea on the panner man...had a '57 years ago,now i have a 84' flt...first year evo w/ shovel tranny.ive had it 13 years now but i dont ride it much these days....long story, but i still have it! i also have a 2000 victory as well as a 66 old school sporty.....rtl...ltr,right? peace.
I stay in state nowa days and then 400 miles to a run max but I still ride everyday to store and stuff.......just to keep the bikes going and besides I hate cagers...Keep on Truckin Bro


Well-Known Member
What kills me is the price of some of this weed ...2 and 300 dollars and up ...that shit better have gold dust sprinkled in it..


I hear what you are saying............and understand....hell I would love to get dank at swag prices then like you say EVERYONE could particepate................some of my friends dont make much they work for 6 bucks an hour and try to provide for family and want a bit of relaxation and can only afford swag due to not wanting to take away from family I say there is a place for swag until like you say WE ALL HAVE DANK SHIT LOL......
+rep for this..... alot of people dont seem to understand that good shit is just too expensive most of the time, and shwag still has the same chemicals, just in lower quantity/quality... still does the trick before/after work ;)

and yes pot is easy to grow, as are the other 90% of terrestrial plants, but please stop referring to it as a "weed" (not just you), it is nowhere near a weed, hence the 'sativa' part of its taxonomic classification meaning "cultivated".... see the definition of "weed"...

    1. A plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome, especially one growing where it is not wanted, as in a garden.
    2. Rank growth of such plants.
  1. A water plant, especially seaweed.
  2. The leaves or stems of a plant as distinguished from the seeds: dill weed.
  3. Something useless, detrimental, or worthless, especially an animal unfit for breeding.

Read more:

Cannabis may have started out as a wild plant/herb, but it does not grow prolific enough to be considered a weed, and we saw use for it as far back as 4000yrs ago.... enough use to have it in our gardens on purpose..... not a weed :D


Active Member
I will agree with you that MJ is very easy to grow. I have two plants at my house that I let be for weeks at a time and then when I get back home I take care of. Auto watering system of course consisting of a powerhead, bucket of water, and timer. That and some CFL lights is all they need, buds are growing well. With that said If I took more time to examine the finer points of growing I'm sure I would end up with more quantity/quality.


Active Member
I love MJ so much that it is important for me to grow and smoke the best bud I can... Plus I just enjoy watching a happy well fed child grow.... Peace

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i frequently run into the problem of how to deal with schwag when offered. i would never go to the extent of the guy in the story and say "ew", but if i'm rolling a party blunt and someone offers some schwag to mix in i put a squash on that immediately. it's just the opposite of what i'm going for when i smoke. to me, smoking something that tastes so bad it provokes a gag reflex just for a buzz makes one a junkie. i'd sincerely rather go without and i don't think this elevates me to snob status any more than refusing to drink natural ice beer does.


Well-Known Member
i agree with some of the first post....all but the let the males grow and get more seeds...kinda pointless unless your breeding to get a certain cross....and..MJ isnt a weed...its a flowering plant....weed is just a slang term given to MJ...yeah you can just plant it and let it grow...and every grower is different...i just feel that you get what you put into it...your not going to get dank if you just toss some seeds and water with any trend in this have old school and new a mix of both...but lean toward new school more often then not...if the theory of just toss some seeds and let it grow and make dank was the hell is there all this bunk ass schwag floating around...for those that want seedy dry tasting like ass weed...have at it..but for those that want the shit that sparkles and tastes like candy...learn to grow the new school way


Well-Known Member
I am the bud light guy of pot smoking (pun intended). I will smoke anything, I am not a conesoiur (sp). If it gets me high then I am not complaining.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I would have said "No thanks, I'm good" saying Ew and dissing your shit is rude. BUT is it not rude to offer bullshit if you have top shelf on stand by?

Also growing any weed of quality takes skill. You can't just set it and forget it. People are stupid...more often then smart...

Also you post a lot of clutter and non sense. I understand it may be weird or funny to you....but not every stoner has your sense of humor. So it isn't important or necessary to post every funny thing or random thought that pops into your head.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt say that growing pot takes skill. It is about as difficult as following a cooking recipe...


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt say that growing pot takes skill. It is about as difficult as following a cooking recipe...
I agree with the recipe part, but growing BOTH killer chronic AND getting the maximum yield possible from any given strain does take skill...IMO.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the recipe part, but growing BOTH killer chronic AND getting the maximum yield possible from any given strain does take skill...IMO.
Yes, but that was not what the OP said...

You can follow a recipie and make good food and not be like Iron Chef or whatever cooking show you prefer.


Well-Known Member
I would have said "No thanks, I'm good" saying Ew and dissing your shit is rude. BUT is it not rude to offer bullshit if you have top shelf on stand by?

Also growing any weed of quality takes skill. You can't just set it and forget it. People are stupid...more often then smart...

Also you post a lot of clutter and non sense. I understand it may be weird or funny to you....but not every stoner has your sense of humor. So it isn't important or necessary to post every funny thing or random thought that pops into your head.
like I said a friend sold me some good mexican swag to try out............but the main thing is you are telling me Im not allowed to post in the are a mod? have I violated some rule for haveing fun...............did you come in here just to chew me out for my am I being banned........I offend you that much? why not put me on ignore but since you are in charge and dont want me to post you can have it....Im out of here.