three day LSD adventure

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Jacob's Ladder on acid would be a VERY bad idea.

My first acid trip, circa 1973, was at a Kraftwerk concert. I could SEE the sound. I remember it so clearly.

My tripping days are long over, though they sure were fun. ;-)

Hey, be careful though, okay? (sorry, my maternal self just can't quiet down)
Kraftwerk is bad ass. I'm 18 years old and they're my main acid music, people don't know what it is, they come trip with me, and listen to Kraftwerk for life!

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
no, you can not. :peace:
I'm sure if you took enough you could. Then again never tried it for myself. I've never even tried to trip acid within a week. [Though I have exactly a week later, many times] Then again I found out when I took real acid, that most of the acid I've taken in my life has been an imitation research chemical.

EDIT: I don't talk from research or personal experience. Take this post with about no weight. But I sincerely believe with a high enough dose you would trip again.


Well-Known Member
i lived 5 mins from berkeley. it was the late 80's. it was good stuff.

acid has levels. once you "peek" you come down. once you come down you need 3 or 4 days to recover. you can NOT just keep taking more. it doesn't work that way.

i have tested my theory.


The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
i lived 5 mins from berkeley. it was the late 80's. it was good stuff.

acid has levels. once you "peek" you come down. once you come down you need 3 or 4 days to recover. you can NOT just keep taking more. it doesn't work that way.

i have tested my theory.

You are most likely correct. I have taken 'true' acid once in my life. I'm 18 years old, inexperienced, compared to many on the forum, I probably shouldn't have commented to begin with.


Well-Known Member
you can say you cant fdd but i certainly did trip for 3 days. not three whole days, like 72 hours, maybe a better timeline would have been better. i dosed the first time a few hours after thanksgiving dinner and went to my friends house. there my friend bought 4 tabs and traded an eight for 6 more. we each at a fat ass tab that was easily two. over that night and the next morning we had finished all 10 the tabs and only gave one or two to our other friend, who later bought his own. the next day/night the guy who brought the acid from calli came over and gave us each a 1cmx1cm tab.

then it was like an acid party formed around us that day, everyone who stopped by bought a few tabs or was at least given a free tab. i probably ate 5 more tabs that night. not all of them square, some long thin strips some corners some pieces bigger than a tab.

i stayed up that whole night trying to deal with the madness and chaos that was going on around and inside me. it wasnt all hallucinations this night like the night before, maybe your right in this sense fdd, but i did trip on acid for three days, just not whole days

oh and fdd, i my acid came from your state, maybe youve seen the sheet with Albert Hoffman riding a bicycle?
LMAO. The total duration of the effects of a good dose of LSD is 12 hours. That's from, Base-to Peak-to Base, again. With some clever dosing you can make it last quite a bit longer. But once the LSD starts working its magic on you your tolerance goes from 0 to 90+ in a matter of minutes. A 72 hour trip is nigh impossible.


Well-Known Member
yeah brev and fdd right....i belive you could party and have your head ringing a few days...your really not tripping on acid more than 24 hours topps. its more like 10 or 12 but by taking more or taking huge doses youll be awake longer. ive taken lost of doses liquid 10 strips of paper ive done things like you eating doses over days but you build a huge exponential tollerence and you might not really be tripping just weird from all the doses it gets hard to tell. alternating doses with shrooms and mesc used to strech it out for me i didnt get cross tollerence but went nuts ...good times bad times. thats the old days im old now and my minds not so strong wouldnt try it now