Three plants, three strains, attempt # three, 250w

User Name420

Active Member
This picture was taken about 10 days ago, but my new light will be here this week, so I will wait to take more pictures when I get that dealy-o set up.

If you look carefully you can see the edge of the leaves are starting to get really frosty. :D



Well-Known Member
just read through the entire journal and one pic was i want to say like 10 day flowering or something. buds werent showing then, but i noticed you were foliar feeding. you might wanna stop foliar feeding/spraying your plants when they are budding, or else you run a higher risk of getting bud rot. so far, looking great!

User Name420

Active Member
meh, it was just some azamax in water with a drop or two of soap. it evaporated fast, the humidity inside my house as of now is about 10% or less. Bud rot is the least of my worries at this time. I understand though, I will not be spraying them once the buds get big. thanks for your suggestion man.

User Name420

Active Member
the hawaiian.. day 24.

she is a little to the side of the light until I get the new light so I can keep it low for the other plants.

the hawaiian is my new fav strain. :D



Active Member
Could that Hawaiian possibly be Hawaiian Snow from GHS? I know it was clone but it looks almost identical to my Hawaiian Snow I've got going. Plants are looking great!:weed:

User Name420

Active Member
I recently found this and thought you guys might like it. I made it about 2 years ago, otherwise it would look a lot better. I'll have to make a new one this year, perhaps sell or give some away.



Active Member
Hey man your plants look gorgeous.
Stop by my thread sometime maybe drop a comment just put it up today is lonley here.