Three problems in my garden [pics]


Active Member
Hi everyone.

So I have a 90 plant grow going right now, and it's been a rough one. We veged for longer then planned (didn't want to move flowering plants) and actually loaded all 90 of the three foot tall plants through a window into a UHAUL and then drove them three hundred miles. Needless to say we've had a few problems.

I have some bug problems currently, which is being corrected with Neem oil. The room gets a little cold in the day time (lights on at night), about 65 sometimes. These are problems being worked out.

However, I'm seeing three leaf problems in the garden, and I was hoping someone could tell me what is wrong.

Currently using FoxFarm, stage two of the three part flowering formula. Plants have plenty of light and C02.

Thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
Pic one looks like insects...
Pic two is magnesium deficiency.
Pic three looks like phosphorus deficiency


Active Member
Flowering about a month. Recomended nute strength (a little less... I can't get the exact answer for you right now). They get slightly over watered a couple of times a week, but we let them dry out rather well in between since our medium is so heavey (peat moss, perlite, verm, and some cheap potting soil).

Fantastic. That was kind of what I was thinking.
Neem oil and a good flush should do, right?


Well-Known Member
Make sure you flush with pH corrected water and check the pH of your run off too to see what the difference is going in the top to whats coming out the bottom.


Active Member
They were just taken off the "open sesame", which is 5-45-19.

No slow release nutes, I'm not that dumb. We had a very short selection of soil when the time came to transplant the clones so the "dirt" part of the soil is sphagnum and Hyponix (which is really just mud... used at like a 1:5 ratio with the sphagnum to fight the clumpyness).

My guess is the defs have to do with a watering or two that was off in PH... I only water half the time so I can't say for sure.


Active Member
Also, I just realised that when we moved we made the switch from tap water to well water. I just reread the lease and realised that the water has "naturally occuring chloroform bacteria", which is why we can't drink it. Do you think this could be a problem?


Well-Known Member
1st pic looks like aphids .. I had that prob last year ,, a few drops of a mild dish soap mixed into a gallon of water fix's them , spray the hell out of the plant.. they will die ,, neem oil will work also


Well-Known Member
Also, I just realised that when we moved we made the switch from tap water to well water. I just reread the lease and realised that the water has "naturally occuring chloroform bacteria", which is why we can't drink it. Do you think this could be a problem?

for sure ,, buy spring water


Active Member

Luckily I just read an article from a local paper talking about a guy who has a tap to a fresh spring coming out of an old mining mill in his backyard... There's apparently a bunch of people who think it's "miracle healing water" (claims it grows hair, fixes acne, cures arthritus, ect). He gives it away for free... Maybe I'll get some of that for 'em.


Well-Known Member

Luckily I just read an article from a local paper talking about a guy who has a tap to a fresh spring coming out of an old mining mill in his backyard... There's apparently a bunch of people who think it's "miracle healing water" (claims it grows hair, fixes acne, cures arthritus, ect). He gives it away for free... Maybe I'll get some of that for 'em.
That or snatch it from the rain gutters , get a barrel and let the gutter drain into it


Active Member
There won't be any more rain this year. It already snowed, uh, seven times since I moved here (october). The mountains have their disadvantages. Good idea though.


Well-Known Member
There won't be any more rain this year. It already snowed, uh, seven times since I moved here (october). The mountains have their disadvantages. Good idea though.

I live in the mountains too.. Snow melts , becomes water Heat some up in a pot .. Or do what I do Just buy a few gallons at at time when I have a grow going


Well-Known Member
Also, I just realised that when we moved we made the switch from tap water to well water. I just reread the lease and realised that the water has "naturally occuring chloroform bacteria", which is why we can't drink it. Do you think this could be a problem?
Strange that you would be getting a magnesium deficiency from well water as its usually quite high in it, i guess that is associated with the pH problem causing the lockout.

Maybe look at a water softener type filter for the other issues associated with using well water.


Active Member
just get some distilled water from the sore. its 2.00 for a 2.5 gallon jug. Testing the pH of it yields about a 6, which is much easier to manage. also you know there aren't any issues with the water.

then again you have like 90 plants or something

buy a cheep water filter i guess