Three weeks old. How they look to you?


Well-Known Member
Looks great to me man. Just focus on the color of leaves and droop. If they are green and leaves are perky...she could double in size in a matter of days if her roots have room to spread. If she's not like 12 inches tall 30 days after her first real leaves come in then you might have a runt.

Anything written above can only be considered the rambling on of a belligerent old fool who has created a magical land in his mind where he is an amazing marijuana cultivator. all pictures and information have been stolen from the "worldwide web"


Well-Known Member
Someone's a hater. So how they look in man, I freaking can't upload pics for some reason . Sucks because I have some killer veg action going and the supercoco mix I'm testing is really kicking ass, plants aren't totally happy but I'll get them straight in a couple rounds. Bought some onagel to cover smells and shit works good!