
I just think it's funny that it's all made up. I thought it was for real.
All you need for it to be true is a couple bottles of liquor, and your girlfriends friends :p
Most girls aren't straight, but "Bi-sexual".

Meaning: Horny bitches with no guys around.
Girls are DIRTY. WAYYYY more-so than guys. Guys are more private about that shit, girls just talk so much they back themselves into corners.

So they've already done shit together if they've been friends long enough, and you can get them to do shit with you. They just have to be passed the point where they could possibly be embarrassed about letting you know.
I just think it's funny that it's all made up. I thought it was for real.
All you need for it to be true is a couple bottles of liquor, and your girlfriends friends :p

You only need to be around the guy for five minutes to know that none of it can be real.
Most girls aren't straight, but "Bi-sexual".

Meaning: Horny bitches with no guys around.
Girls are DIRTY. WAYYYY more-so than guys. Guys are more private about that shit, girls just talk so much they back themselves into corners.

So they've already done shit together if they've been friends long enough, and you can get them to do shit with you. They just have to be passed the point where they could possibly be embarrassed about letting you know.

Threesomes aren't practical, dude. Having two bitches climb all over you in the sack? Too many knees and elbows. Not practical. And you always end up liking one more than the other (the way she looks, the way she tastes). Better just to have the one you really want and concentrate on her.
Threesomes aren't practical, dude. Having two bitches climb all over you in the sack? Too many knees and elbows. Not practical. And you always end up liking one more than the other (the way she looks, the way she tastes). Better just to have the one you really want and concentrate on her.


When 1 gets more attention, Bitty number 2 has to work harder, and will swallow :D :p
Your all right.. The chick is a very nice gal... small very attractive.. I guess it was kinda a joke.. at first ... more a fantasy of the other girl... Im not sure my gf would be into ... we joked about it.. i really think she wouldnt want to mess up her realtionship with the gal.. There tight friend since high school.. Im not afraid to lose her ... cause we have a special yet monogamis relationship. for the most part.. like a old gf that never left... Ill be going to habg out with them.. and well be smoking lots of great weed .. so just seems like it could easily happen.. Whatsup Dst... nice to see ya...
Well, if you do this, your relationship will no longer be monogamous. It's kinky the first time, but turns into work real fast. Your gf will throw it in your face at a later date. What are you going to say when she brings a guy home? This could just be a "test" by your gf. Doing it or even agreeing to do it means you fail the test. You can only fuck one pussy at a time. I've done this and it just caused problems, broke us up. And it was her idea.
Well, if you do this, your relationship will no longer be monogamous. It's kinky the first time, but turns into work real fast. Your gf will throw it in your face at a later date. What are you going to say when she brings a guy home? This could just be a "test" by your gf. Doing it or even agreeing to do it means you fail the test. You can only fuck one pussy at a time. I've done this and it just caused problems, broke us up. And it was her idea.

Wasting your breath on a non-story. This is about as real as 2032.
If it was her idea, she is insecure and uses it against you that is just not fair. I'm all for being open minded and eexperimenting but she should be more sure before introducing the idea to you. Also I hate it when women say they're bisexual just for attention or because they think their partner will think its cool and kinky, if she ka not serious about women, too and only really sees the other woman as a threat and not partner to be equally enjoyed it's screwed up. I always seem to end up in love triangles and I was honestly (still am!) open to the idea of a threesome.. I adore women, and it sure beats being just the 'other woman' all the time not involved with /both/ the other two in the triangle. I'd still like one now... It's better than excluding a partner or lying to them. I think it's nice to share and have that kind of openness and trust with your long term partner. Plus girl on girl is just hot, period.
Well, if you do this, your relationship will no longer be monogamous. It's kinky the first time, but turns into work real fast. Your gf will throw it in your face at a later date. What are you going to say when she brings a guy home? This could just be a "test" by your gf. Doing it or even agreeing to do it means you fail the test. You can only fuck one pussy at a time. I've done this and it just caused problems, broke us up. And it was her idea.

I can say from experience that this is true. Only way its any fun or worth the trouble is with two girls you are not involved with in a relationship.