Thrown together soil - Thoughts/Opinions?


New Member
Alright, I decided to throw together an outdoor grow, mostly spur of the moment. I had some leftover stuff, and bought a few things locally.

Some portions probably downright suck, but I tried to use what I had and get dirt cooking quick. Please give thoughts.

48" X 14"ish holes.

6 cubic feet sphagnum peat moss
2 cubic feet perlite
5 cubic feet of cow/horse composted manure
Roughly 1 cubic foot of native soil (sand)

2.5 Cups Dolomite Lime
4tbsp Humic Acid
2tbsp Endo Mycorrhizae
1.5tbsp Actinovate

3.5 Cups Bone Meal
1.5 Cups Blood Meal
1 Cup Kelp Meal
1 Cup FF Fruit & Flower and FF Bulb Food Mix
1/2 Cup Bloom Bat Guano
1/2 Cup Bloom Seabird Guano
1/2 Cup Greensand
1/2 Cup Epsom Salts
1/2 Cup Azomite
2 Cups Hardwood Ash
2 Cups Poultry Litter

What I've done is split my base soil in half, mixed my extra nutrients into one half, pour that into my hole, and then strictly use my base soil almost as a buffer soil. I figure I'm a light on some nutrients, hopefully my levels won't damage future growth.

Watered with 2.5gal of water w/ 2tbsp Liquid Karma/unsulphured molasses, the entire grow area is covered with a black tarp to help speed the cooking process.

Please give constructive thoughts and opinions, I am thinking maybe a couple teas to get the ladies thru, but also hoping my lower layer doesn't burn the piss out of them early.

Looks pretty good, the only advice I have is if you post your recipe on a per cubic foot basis it is easier for others to analyze and compare. Right now, I would need to add up your cubic feet base mix, then divide all your amendments to see how much per cubic foot. I think this will help you as well because it will be easier for you to adjust your mix in the future and change amounts,especially when your total mix amount is not always the same.

Correct me if im wrong. Thats all i got for ya though!
Looks pretty good, the only advice I have is if you post your recipe on a per cubic foot basis it is easier for others to analyze and compare. Right now, I would need to add up your cubic feet base mix, then divide all your amendments to see how much per cubic foot. I think this will help you as well because it will be easier for you to adjust your mix in the future and change amounts,especially when your total mix amount is not always the same.

Correct me if im wrong. Thats all i got for ya though!

No, am totally good with that, roughly 100 gallons of base mix, then 50 gallons put into the hole and mixed with the other dry fertilizers, and then the last 50 gallons of base soil put onto that... layered essentially.

Like I said, likely kind of light in a few ways, but it was what I was working with.