Thug pug genetics anyone?

Damn you. Are you popping those all or gonna resell any? If you got any extras DM me. GLO screwed me just as I thought so I missed out on the last drop.
Damn man, what do you mean by GLO screwed you? They’re not sending you the beans you paid for, or did they try and say they were out of the ones you ordered?
Tempted to pull the trigger on the garlic breath two point no, but I’m broke as fuck and I don’t want to pay a $35 overdraft fee since I have to pay my insurance tomorrow. Dingle Berry and Honey Bells should be arriving today.
Tempted to pull the trigger on the garlic breath two point no, but I’m broke as fuck and I don’t want to pay a $35 overdraft fee since I have to pay my insurance tomorrow. Dingle Berry and Honey Bells should be arriving today.
If you're broke as fuck and about to overdraft your bank acct. maybe you shouldn't be spending the last if your money on seeds. But hey what do I know.
All the price gouging is totally classless
Lol no shit, it's a scumsters game. It's one thing to buy packs and at a later date sell em if you don't pop them but ppl be snitchin packs just to resell instantly over gromer retiring.. I see ppl wishing they could get just one pack and ppl out here doin shit like that. At least a couple banks got decent and started limiting 1 per customer but the snitches will still bank an extra pack off each. I grabbed 1 pack/strain I aint tryin to scum it up with more capitalism.
GLO has some up right now - just got another Meaty (makes 5)
They gettin spendy with him though, 150 now.

Which freebies? Labyrinth gave me the crickets and cicada and Zoolander freebies (idk if spending a certain amount earns it)
GLO gave me the grape ape x fpog f2 ($250 order or more to earn 'while supplies last') I think 24 hrs on that deal left or less now possibly.

Hard way for sure :fire:
How much have the other seed banks been charging? I saw Frosted Phenos is 130 Canadian, so 150 US is a bit ridiculous?
How much have the other seed banks been charging? I saw Frosted Phenos is 130 Canadian, so 150 US is a bit ridiculous?
Glo is goin crazy on taking advantage atm but to be fair that guy has been solid on the prices for too long charging like 100 bones for 2 packs of any thug pug while others stayed at 80/pack until deals came around. Hard to call him out on it because of that.
Glo is goin crazy on taking advantage atm but to be fair that guy has been solid on the prices for too long charging like 100 bones for 2 packs of any thug pug while others stayed at 80/pack until deals came around. Hard to call him out on it because of that.
Maybe had something to do with his old partners that robbed peoples cash? GLO had awful rep until all these cheap deals kept happening.
How much have the other seed banks been charging? I saw Frosted Phenos is 130 Canadian, so 150 US is a bit ridiculous?
terpy and lab both sold for 80, glo was 90 originally, halfway through everyone started charging about 100 (deeply is now at 120) and glo at 150. So it's raising kinda in general.

Can't deny the scummyness to buying some extra packs for resale - but tried to do what solid I could as well by helping a bunch of folks get them at retail and posting and DMing about drop info here and on IG, tips about how to score quicker with info preloaded, as well as offering out some free tester beans with paid shipping. Just need to look out for an opportunity for me too. Most people aren't willing to resell something at base value if demand is completely bananas over it.

But that said, supply and demand is always brutal, seeds or otherwise.
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Maybe had something to do with his old partners that robbed peoples cash? GLO had awful rep until all these cheap deals kept happening.
The reason why is irrelevant but he's kept prices better than any other bank and not just on thug pug. The guys a hypocrite but his prices speak for themselves.
Glo charged 90 right off the bat on new drop he been increasing his prices on more than thug gear some of that vault stuff still available elsewhere much cheaper also higher than others on exotic runtz drop
If you're not after meat breath, lemon breath, raspberry breath, afterglow, bananas and cherries don't pay resell for this new new. KBB isn't even tested from Gromer himself so to keep its not worth resell. But to each it's own.
I’m super stoked on the meat madness, gonna wait till winter temps and run the whole pack. Still haven’t received notification of payment from GLO, dropped it in mail around 15 day’s ago. See what happens, only bought one pack due to the shaky rep they have.
Jordan of the islands aka joti up here in Canada has 2 gromer crosses available for sale on his newest "black" line. Blackberry breath.. meatbreath x blackberry kush and also black garlic which is garlic breath x blackberry kush i believe..

I picked up those 2. Also running 11 PBB right now myself. I'm also running 3rd coasts purple garlic - gmo x oreoz.

I'm a new user but soon will update you guys with pics of pbb, mule fuel, child's breath, puta 2.0, squatch pics