I found it for around 300. The picks look fire but didn't know if anyone ran it personally.
[/QUOTE/] See this is why Growmer is the Goat in my book ! 300 for a proven Winner i can't ever understand the reluctance i know i know you can find fire anywhere but Proven fire ? Well why didn't you say so that's a horse of a different color C'mon in !( Q Munchkin's)
Any Growmer pack is worth 200 easy some much more if he really retires you will be kicking yourself in the ass for not paying those prices is SJG worth 500 a pack ? So many more then i care to name in between 100 - 300 i do not have the time to list.
Hell their are cats that Pick up some packs or elites breed slap them together post a few shots on IG and are charging 150 a pack from the rip ! Not hating mind you well maybe a little

. But Growmer always kept his price point down even when he knew he could get more it's the reason why we Balk at paying 200-300 a pack because if he started out at 150 you wouldn't i bet !