Thug pug genetics anyone?

This is the thug pug thread????

Can anyone give me info on Sophia's breath and pugs breath?

What the crosses are???

I know what mendo breath is but what is mendo breath UV??

And what is sophisticated lady made up of?
sophisticated lady (ghost og x grateful breath)

since the rivers obviously dont run to deep on your end.

It's a Ocean over here bruh,
Deeper than you could ever imagine.
Take the deepest part of your bitch ass "rivers", multiply it by infinanty,
Take it to the depths of forever
And ur little "river" still wont be as deep my shit is...

Youre thinkIng in smaller terms,
Because that's all thats around you is small time shit,
People have oceans out here,
I stopped playin in the rivers years ago kid.
Rivers are for the little guys, like yourself ....
Just Cuz your shit weak
doesnt mean other peoples shit weak 2

I never get that, why people make snide remarks?
Is it for attention?
Or does the dude actually think the joke was funny???
Or to make up for shitty growing skills with a laugh?

This is a forum for marijuana
And this thread is for thug pug genetics
So, I ask a question about thug pug genetics,
An that makes my "rivers not run deep"?????

Like I get your calling me dumb?
But for not knowing the cross on a strain LOL
And asking about it in the thread that's meant for asking about it ???

I take it back I don't think you even have a river breh,
Your more like a drying up puddle in a parking lot

Stop assuming shit
It's not a good look
Especially about me

You look stupid as fuck...

Get back to your banger 1 bulb t5 tent grow
overwater and nute burn your trash plants some more faggot