Thug pug genetics anyone?

Terpy is the fucking man! Dude was very understanding, and was chill as fuck. Looks like him, GLO, and insane are going to be my go to‘s
Day 1 of flower 6 different KKBs.

These are clones, we didn’t flower out the seeds this time

Whats yalls opinion on flowering out from seed or clone for the first time of flower?

6 Santa is an Alien by terp fiend to the left and 10 Strawberry Cough BX1 Relentless to the right

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They all look pretty similar except the one at the very top right. Awesome work, and beautiful set up.
I agree but unfortunately we have people that don't even believe in universal healthcare so we're a long way from people not wanting to profit off hobbies.

In the end I don't mind some people making money as long as they're not being greedy asshats

There was a cut floating around that all the breeders were using a few years back from the PP. Not sure if symbiotic. I don't like purple punch either. I keep slurricane cause bag appeal mostly. I think frost is overrated in most aspects. Chem doesn't look overly frosty but it gets me super baked lol.
I like slurri as well, the dosi make that a somewhat potent strain with certain phenos, the smell is insane
Never seen the Cannaverify sticker on any packs(at least from TP), must be new(to stop the fraud from old packs?)? The first packs i purchased were clear, still have one of the clear Sherb Breath packs. Missed out on his banana drop, and wish i had heard of him sooner. Would’ve been all over that drop, because i absolutely love banana OG.
When my packs arrive I’ll have for trade 3 garlic breath 2.0, 1 urinal cake, 1 juniors jello, 1 bubble, 1 honey bells.
I live in Canada, I need more PBB mainly. Also need some other breath strains. Message my backup account on Instagram @foxseedsco
Gromer also said he was
Those packs are old. You sound like someone who got on the gromer wagon during orange mylars.
He also clearly showed the grows he had in progress and announced these strains BEFORE his retirement. Just because the packs are old, doesn't mean they aren't sound like someonone who thought the clear packs on neptune were legit, when i saved everyone from jumping on the fake packs.
Bro I have receipts for these beans. If they fake gromer was selling fakes when he first started. Yea you wasn’t around when he first released seeds that’s why you never seen them or bananas and cherries either right.
Bro you wanna put money where your mouth is my packs aren’t fake? If I was pumping fake packs I’ll be in every person on this thread asking for trades or sales. Just because someone’s been around longer then you don’t mean everything is fake. You’re a new jack to thug I’m a true jack!!
Bro, I never said THEY WERE FAKE, I clearly stated that gromer announced that that is his #1 way to spot a fake clear pack. Literally had this conversation with him MULTIPLE times. You're not the first person to bitch at me for spreading CORRECT information. I had a guy fight till he was blue in the face that 007's breath was real. Until I showed him that gromer confirmed that it was a fake. 007 breath is real, but this had 's after and was confirmed to be fake. THERE ARE FAKE CLEAR PACKS OUT THERE. THERE ARE REAL CLEAR PACKS OUT THERE. Just know what you are buying is all im saying. Good on you for being around a long time, but i outgrow alot of old timers, so that don't mean shit.
I mean if they don't, he might fix ya up with something else.

But no one can just say 7 yr old beans 'will' pop with any kind of guarantee - even if he stored them perfect the whole time :P
Cha mon now!

I totally thought the orange packs meant new stock as well as the packaging, like remaking the gear.
I wonder if all the PBB are a few years old or if he made more too.....he certainly had tons of those overall.
He should have put it over the part where it opens. Doing it the way he did putting it flat and not over the opening defeats the purpose the the sticker. It will take you to a site saying its real but anyone could have taken the puck out and swapped the seeds. Im not saying yours are, just questioning the placement of that sticker.
I don’t buy packs off of other people. Every single thug pack I have came from reputable seedbanks. I don’t care what others have I know what I have. Have emails to back it up too. And the first banana breath packs didn’t have a #1 on them.

He made like 3-4 different bananabreaths before the Clear packs were even a thing.
I've seen a few of his close buddies with straight up gas station dime bags with Banana Breath, #1, #2 etc beans in them.

Hard to trust your words when you obliterated the pug lineages the other day. Junior in Urinal Cake :clap:
The first banana breaths was the black with gold writing label. Anything after that I don’t know about. Only banks had thug then was substrate genetics and GLO.

Yeah this was 'before' that. Before there 'was' clear packages and before Substrate had them.
Personal beans from gromer to his IRL friends in random dime bag ziplocs. They existed before man.
He should have put it over the part where it opens. Doing it the way he did putting it flat and not over the opening defeats the purpose the the sticker. It will take you to a site saying its real but anyone could have taken the puck out and swapped the seeds. Im not saying yours are, just questioning the placement of that sticker.

I feel you