Thug pug genetics anyone?

OES put some rare strains up for sale, all at high prices but some are rare. Not sure if anyone here is still looking for older thug packs

Pretty much every thug pug bank still has stock that they are holding on to for later, probably worth messaging them if you have a decent size following on Instagram and want something specific.
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OES put some rare strains up for sale, all at high prices but some are rare. Not sure if anyone here is still looking for older thug packs

Pretty much every thug pug bank still has stock that they are holding on to for later, probably worth messaging them if you have a decent size following on Instagram and want something specific.

I would never purchase anything from that greedy bastard.
I hope S. Africa is not like S. East Asia because them laws for just weed and hash are fucked up out their .

Not at all bud! Cannabis was "decriminalized" for private use in 2018 allowing S.Africans to grow and consume cannabis on private property.

LOTS of growers aren't happy with the proposed bill, as its only allowing 8 flowering plants per house hold.
Not at all bud! Cannabis was "decriminalized" for private use in 2018 allowing S.Africans to grow and consume cannabis on private property.

LOTS of growers aren't happy with the proposed bill, as its only allowing 8 flowering plants per house hold.

Its better than legally 0 plants.

However I bet everyone on this thread if they have a plant limit, they’re over it.
“If a law is unjust then it doesn’t need to be followed.” Any law that takes away another human’s ability to take care of themselves is criminal in itself. Cannabis laws are a scam and should be broken as often as possible until they’re abolished. It’s a civil rights issue not a medical one to me. If it was a medical issue it would never have been made illegal to begin with. Fuck laws that keep people disempowered. Break those laws!
Thanks @Cannacal04 ! I’ll stop feeding more N here for all three, but I’m afraid that might just be that one’s natural look, with the curled dark leaves, super slow growing mutant plants Maybe just an ogkb thing. If I run this one again I’ll cut off the N sooner. My wicked witches! Got one more pbb female going into bloom soonish, besides my last pack. Hoping for that particular flavor I like. I wouldn’t describe it as dryer sheets lol. That doesn’t sound good at all!
Recently picked up a clone of PBB and meat breath.

the meat breath is vegging really slowly
View attachment 4713163
very nice n healthy lookin!
Thanks @Cannacal04 ! I’ll stop feeding more N here for all three, but I’m afraid that might just be that one’s natural look, with the curled dark leaves, super slow growing mutant plants Maybe just an ogkb thing. If I run this one again I’ll cut off the N sooner. My wicked witches! Got one more pbb female going into bloom soonish, besides my last pack. Hoping for that particular flavor I like. I wouldn’t describe it as dryer sheets lol. That doesn’t sound good at all!
I got a few that are curled down like that...u say its just genetics? I was trying to fix it with calcium but its still curling down like that but it also is curling over the bud site blocking u get much of that? Budsite light blocking that the plant chokes itself out?
“If a law is unjust then it doesn’t need to be followed.” Any law that takes away another human’s ability to take care of themselves is criminal in itself. Cannabis laws are a scam and should be broken as often as possible until they’re abolished. It’s a civil rights issue not a medical one to me. If it was a medical issue it would never have been made illegal to begin with. Fuck laws that keep people disempowered. Break those laws!
Nope, once I registered with the state I committed to the rules. Mostly I can’t hope to get into the industry legitimately if I don’t keep my nose clean!

very nice n healthy lookin!

I got a few that are curled down like that...u say its just genetics? I was trying to fix it with calcium but its still curling down like that but it also is curling over the bud site blocking u get much of that? Budsite light blocking that the plant chokes itself out?
If you’re using a cal mag product with iron your giving extra nitrogen, excess nitrogen causes leaf claw like that.
@colocowboy True if you’re trying to keep it legal for business licensing then yes follow the guidelines. My point is that you shouldn’t have to be worrying about that in the first place. I’m not suggesting to anyone to put yourself at too much risk of getting in legal trouble. Keep it smart. It’s just my little soapbox rant it bothers me a lot and always has that cannabis is treated as it is, like a poison or something. The first time i ever smoked it was like medicine for my soul. And ever since. There shouldn’t be a law with the word cannabis in it. That’s just my $.02
I’m not on the books and I’m glad. I wouldn’t be allowed to grow legally here still anyway. Glad the big drug war has died down so much too and laws are changing. I’m just ready for the day that growing pot is just another hobby or business like anything else. Too much money in it though huh? To just let people have it free