Cheers Limo

very nice n4! sorry i havent been around much,these big gardens are bears.50k before lunch,50k after lunch.makes for quick days.

Thanks man... and I thought you were 100k before breakfast kinda guy lol. Joking aside congrats and the garden looks fantastic. Managed to catch some of the live vid from IG, 3 hours after :clap:

Sour Larry Pebbles #3
day 56
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Strawberry Sour Larry
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Popped 4 and got 2 females, stem rub's kinda familiar and I like it but I can't quite put my finger on it yet.

Mint Julep
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Popped 4 got 2 females, insane mint chocolate chip stem cat also seemed to love this strain, she moved in 10 years ago and has been around a lot of strains. She was rubbing and licking the Mint Julep, one especially
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Couple more shots from this run.

Golden Retriever #6
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Golden Retriever has become my favourite strain in the stable at the moment. #3 pictured above is amazing and #6 is just outstanding. Dense frosty buds, loud terps with amazing flavour and that sour kick when smoked is perfect.

Sour Larry Pebbles #4
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First run with this pheno went really well, good solid plant in flower, again dense frosty buds, mojito terps and the lime is out of this world.