Hey Margaret, all 3 phenos responded extremely well to topping, if anything I'd encourage it as they're big plants. I don't FIM or bend but shes a hardy strain so I probably wouldn't see any problems.

How many Goldens you got on the go?
Hey Margaret, all 3 phenos responded extremely well to topping, if anything I'd encourage it as they're big plants. I don't FIM or bend but shes a hardy strain so I probably wouldn't see any problems.

How many Goldens you got on the go?
I have three in the tent. So pleased to hear they will respond to training. I plan to top next week. Thank you!
I have three in the tent. So pleased to hear they will respond to training. I plan to top next week. Thank you!

Your welcome. Same number of plants I flowered of this strain, you will find a keep or two. Get some pictures up when you can. I've seen some other Golden Retrievers on Instagram and the strain has some quite distinctive traits.

Sour Larry Pebbles
(Fruity Pebbles OG x Sour Larry BX1)
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Hey Numberfour mighty fine looking grows there bub!

How is the SLP...smell/taste? I have a pack and want to run it soon!

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!
The 2 keeper phenos I found 1 was gas/sour fruit and eucalyptus
The other was lime og
Another pheno I didn’t keep was sour chem and when dry smelt like curry spices. Pretty unique still.
My favourite is the sour fruit pheno as it has an amazing structure and yields very well. But it’s close between her and her sister.
I got 2 keepers out of 4 females and I hadn’t found a single keeper in 50 previous seeds popped by various big name established breeders. Thunderfudge knows his onions.
41FB826E-FB0E-4DB6-8EC0-B5EA598FA6D8.jpeg 7990549F-F368-41FE-AFC1-C9B966C798E9.jpeg This is slp4 day 37. Bottom photo the majority of the foreground is 1 slp4 plant. It’s going to yield about 14 I imagine, the other pheno is a bigger yielder with a more open structure. I promise you sour Larry pebbles is a genetic treasure chest. The f2s that recently been released will be a real special hunt for the growers lucky enough to have scooped them.
Hey Numberfour mighty fine looking grows there bub!

How is the SLP...smell/taste? I have a pack and want to run it soon!

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!

Hey @JdDurango thanks. Limo covered it perfectly and he was the 1st to grow out the SLP's but I will add they are amazing plants to flower and smoke. Pop those seeds man, you're sitting on a gold mine!

Looking on point as usual @limonene I bet that smells amazing in there.

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Tiny cut in a tiny pot wedged between some larger pots / plants and she produced some knock out smoke.