I wouldn't keep those Blueberry seeds unless you intend on breeding with them.
I'm assuming they're DJ Short's Colchicine created mutant Blueberry frankenstein strain.
And the fact that it hermied means it's going to pass on that trait.
Which means you'l have a lot of crossing to do to remove it.
In nature, plants which can self pollinate are literally perfect.
Imperfect plants/flowers such as Cannabis, Hops, and Mulberry have female and male flowers on
seperate plants.

True hermaphrodite Cannabis has Male branches and Female branches,
and an Intersex plant is when a flower bud has male and female flowers.
So you have "perfect" blueberry that doesn't want to go back to imperfection.
That effin' blueberry could be left alone outside in south california for years, while making it's own hermie landrace. Just like old school Sativas.