Some wicked technology, I am kinda freaked out that the intensity on those (2011 v2 is that right?) being too much! Is that even possible? That seems to infer that the spectral intensity is surpassing the sun on those panels?! Or a part of the spectrum is wonky, perhaps it is only part of the spectrum that is erroneous and causing the problem? Sounds like the tech is dialing in either way. I think I want to make a switch too, I was thinking of upgrading my lights this spring, maybe it's time to move toward the future.

I mean I been seeing Irish Boy killing it all over the web for some time now and it's hot like hell where I am also. I do have to wonder why your ambient temps in your house are so high Irish? Or rather what is the ambient temp that your working with to make it so hot in there? The panels raise your ambient by how much?! So it seems that there are tons of crappy panels out there, your GLH seem to be spunky! The other one that I have been looking at is Hydro Gro Led Penetrator panels. Which I technically have been watching for a while now along with the Apache Tech panel. The core seems to be the 120-180 size to replace instead of augment. By my comparison they all have arrived a 3 watt diode and only power them roughly 1/2 - 2/3 of the way, between them they us a 12 - 7 - 9 band spectrum respectively, and all three have independent verified success as directly comparable to the hid standard. Really as long as they are comparable and cooler the next logical influence being price. GLH is the cheapest one, I have priced out the actual components to make these panels assuming that I do the labor for free I could build one of these panels for about $150 - $250 in parts with variability based on composition choices like cree mounts and such. So who is being cool about all this is how I look at it. If your charging more than double your making excess profit imho, many are basing their cost on how much you would save in light bulbs (I know it sounds silly but thats the closest I can get to their figures is by using that as the multiplier in the products expected lifecycle.
That being said the HGL ($899) panel is almost double the GLH ($499) panel for price on their new X line which is very similar to the spectra panel as far as I can tell and both of these are doing what Apache Tech ($999) has been doing.
At first with out research I thought you guys were using the hydro gro leds, you know the penetrators. So many people are using the blackstars around but they are so cheap! It was too much to want to delve into but temps are shite! So long drawn out diarrhea story short, seems like your light supplier takes care of you and doesn't leave you hanging which is valuable as anything else when your talking about dropping g's. lol Thanks for doing so much advanced research ahead of the curve. It seems that giving Irish some panels to play with was a good investment on behalf of that guy at GLH!
Damn.... sorry to drop a load on your thread dude!