just crazy bro!! keep it up.
Thanks CD!!!! sometimes it feels as crazy as it looks!!!!
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam! I don't even want to update now lol those things look amazing! I absolutely cannot wait to get some LEDs. Looking forward to the phone call to GLH as well, as I'm sure that guy will do whatever he can to get me the best thing for my money √ Those TD's are starting to look amazing man! It's too bad you don't have room for them, they definitely look like they're worth keeping. Finally look like they might be swelling a tad √ I bet the smell of your cab blows you away when you open it Lol
Back to my update
Thanks bro!! I just saw your update, your plants look freakin great!!!! very healthy!!! can't wait to see how your bsb's turn out!!!
smokin a little TD right now!!!! it's getting better!!!
and man, these new V3 are frost makers!!!!! I've never seen the resin pump out like they have been!!!
Man, didn't even get highlights of the Raiders game. Sorry to hear it man! Fuck Kansas City man, he he damn division games.
At least San Diego got gutted at the end!
Joe Buck sucks a cock, just thought I would share that! Derick Holland is a good pitcher and at least Nolan Ryan got to see his guys win one at home. I hope the redbirds come out tomorrow and whip some ass.
I hate the chiefs more than any other team!!! they do suck!!!! and like i said before i can't stand joe buck!!!! when he does the NFL games he always has his hand in aikman's pocket!!!!!
what night is the last game on? tonight?
hahahahha the raiders forgot to show up today! lmaoL same with the colts!! cowboys got it done tho boooyyyyy!
yea, the cowgirls got lucky and won one..... goes to show even a blind squirrel can find a nut now and then!!!!!!! hahahahahaa
but i do like making fun of the colts to!!!!
Nice light, You prob mentioned it in the thread but Im wrecked right now, how many watts and how much do they go for
Thanks for stopping by!!!! I just answered your PM.... as for the lights they are GrowLEDHydro spectra 150's. I am nicknaming them the "snow maker-150's" hahaha and they pull 150Watts at the plug. I have three of these in a 4 x 4 area.
My dad is a fan of the BOYS, also my uncle. Where I live I am surrounded by them

one guy down the street drives a truck that is silver and blue painted like the uniform with mural on the hood. PROUD I SAY. That dude talks so much shit when they loose though! ha ha all I see is stars

Grats for your team having a good day! They are good, better than they get credit for. IMHO
Damn, the Colts probably feel like shit tonight eh. They sure look like shit and play like shit, might as well feel it. bwahahahahahah
ahhh cowboy i feel for ya bro!!!!! that rookie RB sure did do some damage for em yesterday. I have felix jones, so i may pick up that rookie as a backup!!!
If somebody had a truck like that near me, i would have to get giants and eagles magnets to cover the thing!!!!!
AK lookin sticky icky icky bro. hows that QQ shaping up man?
Thanks Don!!!!! the QQ is looking sooooo awesome!!! she stalled a bit in growth around week 5 but she seems to have picked right back up again!!! the resin is just spectacular!!!!! how long do you flower them for?
oh... and i"m happy you changed your avatar to the full pic.... before it was so eyecatching i didn't get to read many of your posts.... my eyes kept going back to the close up ass!!!! hahahaha