Frosty chiquita, a lovely evening for you stoney!
Man, sticky icky - icky
hell yea, she is a sticky one!!!! smelly to!!! I had to put her out in the garage!!! my power went out agaon for a few hours today so my exhaust fan/carbon filter in my drying area didn't work!! she started stinking up part of the house in under an hour!!!! I'm gonna go get her and bring her back in now.
Man i would love to see a pic of your stash! Great looking harvest again!
haha man, you know how stash's go... easy come, easy go!! hahaha
man I had no idea she was so tall. Not the biggest girl eh Haha who cares when its that frosty fella. Nice work
yea she ended up being over a meter tall!!! i think there is more weight then I originally thought.... still though, my last 3 harvests got me over 5 oz.!!!!! so this one was a "little" small. hahahahaha but those buds are rock solid and didn't really shrink much at all!!!
She is a beaut man, just amazing bud! Those led's really do frost 'em up.
Thanks gumball!! they all have more frost then ever!!! and I'm loving every bit of it!!!!
Curious to see what becomes of irish's 6 panel run next. See if he pops out with some 2 liter buds

It's pretty obvious that intensity is a touchy subject in terms of LED tech though.
intencity is a big issue, but his lights are close and he is having no issues at all!! there is a user on another forum named setting sun who did some testing with these lights, he even bought a PAR meter. but his latest tests showed more resin production from keeping the lights further away!
so it will be interesting to see if keeping em close makes em bigger but further away may make em better..... mmmmmm. If this is the case I will be keeping them further away and just adding more!!! I just love the aspect of testing and tinkering around so I may never stop trying new things with em!!!
I'm running 4 180's on my scrog right now but just ran into PH problems.... Not living up to my hopes so far but I'm afraid I am to blame... Really considering scrapping the current plant and putting in a new one, can't decide right yet because I love the strain that is in there currently but I really want to see what these lights are capable of.
yea man, i wouldn't scrap it at all!! a small stall is nothing!! I stalled mine for a month and it was still worth it in the end!!! use some garden lime and stir it in a bit and water her with some good all purpose nutes!!! i think you also use jacks... that is perfect!! she will be fine!!!
dam!!! another great thursday night chop, way to go bro!!!!
Thanks CD!!! they're gonna keep gettin chopped to!!! the box is stuffed full and keeps on growing!!!!! haha
I hear you Gumball, weed growing 101 - calibrate your goddamn pen - I know better that's why I'm pretty disappointed. IDK if its worth finishing its at least a week or two behind and its sick right now.
Lovely WW Stoney, GD you've got a lot of strains going!
Thanks bro!!! and more than you know.... I calibrated my pen just minutes after i saw your post in your thread.... mine was off by 0.4!!! and the strains.... man i can barely keep up!!!! I just put two new strains in flowering today!!!! I'll update em later!!
I'm somewhat new around here, but whenever somebody says they have pH problems, i hear that pH down (typically found at pet stores[?]) helps out pretty well. That's just the word around the water-cooler, so i figured i'd throw my 2 cents in. Hate to have you scrap a plant without exhausting some solutions.
Stay Sticky, My Friend
you're absolutely correct snatch!! PH up and down can solve it all!!! his problem however, was his PH meter was not calibrated correctly and he didn't realize it at the time.
You can recover, you did the right thing already just be patient. All will be well Shwag
great advice bro!!! just give her love and time!!!!
man I had this all typed out before and much more in detail.... then my power went out again!!! now i retyped it but i a lot higher now than i was and don't remember everything i had writen!! when it comes to me I'll let ya all know!!! hahaha