Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
PPP is the shiznit, I would agree its plenty potent for me but I disagree on the legs. Everyone's tolerance and usage is different though, for me it had plenty of legs. Easiest plant I've ever grown too, practically bulletproof.
Tha is awesome know.... I'm gonna have to give that PPP a run some day!!!

Damn stoney those purples are looking delicious as fuck. Mine are just starting to turn, it's the first time I've ever seen it before my eyes, it's such a badass transformation!
Thanks man, an you said it bro!!! it's so awesome watchig them develop and seeing the buds and leaves change colors together!!!

lol nice setup damn good for cfls! +rep
Thanks so much vince. I wish RIU would let me edit page one.... I don't use CFL's anymore, I am now all GLH LED panels. karma rep back at ya...

Hey Stoney, run with dry ice once and you'll never wet mix your hash again :D
I have plans to try that next!!! looks so awesome in the videos!!!!

Damn should have picked up PPP on this last order lol. Grabbed Bubblelicious and Snow White from nirvana. Owell theres always next month lol. Thanks for the help!

Looking good stoney!
I thought for sure you were gonna get some last time.... but your not gonna regret that bubblelicious!!! mine had tastes of bubble gum with a heavy deep stone!!!! I still ahve a couple beans... i know i'll give it another run one of these days!!!

Agree made hash once with dry ice never again will I go back to wet. Dry ice was faster easier way less messy and got way more hash out of it.
which bag do you use when ya make the dry ice method?

Where do you normally get your dry ice and if you don't mind explaining your process that would be cool
found dry ice at beer distributer in town. but most states sell beer in the grocery store aand have heard some people ca get it there.... plaes that sell large block ice normaly sell it also.

from what i understand you put a few chunks of golf ball sized pieces of dry ice in a bubble bag with the buds and shake it in a bin for about 10 minutes.... it's that easy!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Stoney, I used the 120 bag and just separate the grades by darkness. I think I ran the 180 bag afterwards to collect some shit to use for cooking, not sure I would do that again but it didn't take long to do at all. I went through pounds of trim in under an hour and had somewhere around 2 oz of hash :D

The stuff from the 120 bag is great for smoking, I mostly sprinkle some on top of a bowl or throw some in a joint. I take a jib to the football games at halftime and I've generated some fans there lol. I usually roll one or two canons and head outside at the half to meet up with friends I've met from smoking there. They love those "snaked out fatties"!


Well-Known Member
We tried all the different bags all work well just bigger ones let more junk through. The Dry Ice we had picked up at Raileys but you can get it at most grocery stores or cvs, maybe walgreens it is cheap. Just get a solid junk of it about 20 bucks worth. All you do is put all your trimmings buds whatever you are using for hash put some dry ice in the bubble bags with it and shake it over a table gently shaking up and down it billows out the bottom leaves your table covered in hash. I would recommend doing multiple piles. Cause when you first start its very pure and top notch then the color starts to change you will notice it turning darker like the plant matter don't want that in your good stuff.


Well-Known Member
It is a small price I would say cause it makes the process simple and easy. We did a 24 hour hashfest when we were done and barely made a dent in the hash I was burnt out the next day all I did was sleep. It was great!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
dam bro, l just love that bud, it looks so good!! and i like the bucket, this aint no dam deli pickles, its MF bubble hash!!! LMAO. great job on everything bro!!



Well-Known Member
Hey Stoney, I used the 120 bag and just separate the grades by darkness. I think I ran the 180 bag afterwards to collect some shit to use for cooking, not sure I would do that again but it didn't take long to do at all. I went through pounds of trim in under an hour and had somewhere around 2 oz of hash :D

The stuff from the 120 bag is great for smoking, I mostly sprinkle some on top of a bowl or throw some in a joint. I take a jib to the football games at halftime and I've generated some fans there lol. I usually roll one or two canons and head outside at the half to meet up with friends I've met from smoking there. They love those "snaked out fatties"!
man i'd live to run into you sometime at a game!!!!!! hahahaha I like any joint with the name fatty in it!!!!! hehehe

We tried all the different bags all work well just bigger ones let more junk through. The Dry Ice we had picked up at Raileys but you can get it at most grocery stores or cvs, maybe walgreens it is cheap. Just get a solid junk of it about 20 bucks worth. All you do is put all your trimmings buds whatever you are using for hash put some dry ice in the bubble bags with it and shake it over a table gently shaking up and down it billows out the bottom leaves your table covered in hash. I would recommend doing multiple piles. Cause when you first start its very pure and top notch then the color starts to change you will notice it turning darker like the plant matter don't want that in your good stuff.
that's a good tip man!!! keep the early shaking set aside for HQ!!! thanks!!

Sounds right up my ally....keep it simple stupid. Never had to put out any dough for my own hash though ; !)
i hear ya bro, i just spent money on the bags!!! it does look much easier and quicker though... i wonder if it's a little harsher than full melt?

It is a small price I would say cause it makes the process simple and easy. We did a 24 hour hashfest when we were done and barely made a dent in the hash I was burnt out the next day all I did was sleep. It was great!!
That sure does sound fun!!! not sure if it's worth missing out on the next day though...

Walgreens, Rite aid, CVS, and other small stores should cary dry ice √
yea, it's tough to find on the right side of the us... you lefty's can get it anyewhere!!! you guys can get dry ice, and we have better looking women.... it's a trade off!!

dam bro, l just love that bud, it looks so good!! and i like the bucket, this aint no dam deli pickles, its MF bubble hash!!! LMAO. great job on everything bro!!
thanks so much for bump bro!!!!!! and yea i took a pic of that bucket and saw the pickles and thought i can't leave that like that.... haahhahah i had to wash that thing for a long time to get the pickle smell out though!!!!! acetone worked the best!!!.
guys i have been swamped lately and haven't had the forum time that normally enjoy... I'm gonna make some time tonight and post some great pics!!!! my garden has been growing very well on auto pilot and I've been experimenting with some things lately and haven't talked about them much.

some of the things I've been experimenting with and having some good success with include...

a 11/13 light schedule in flowering. i believe this is causing my girls to "cool down" enough from the LEDs and get their required amount of "dark time"

I have not given my girls straight water in months now. some of them are about to be harvested and never saw straight water ever. i was having deficiency problems all the time so i just stick with one nute mix all the way from root till harvest every single time! i give them 1 teaspoon of jack's classic 20-20-20, six drops of supperthrive, and one teaspoon of cal/mag per gallon of water.

and most recently i have lowered my light down a few inches and i am now about 12-15" away from the canopy. it's only been a few days since i did this, so i have been watching my plants like a hawk!!!

so i will keep you all updated on these changes and the progess.... and as always, feel free to pick my brain on any of these issues!!!! I'll take some good photos in a bit!! i wanna get some before the lights come on so they more natural!!!


Well-Known Member
About the PPP, yea I might try to get in on the january promo too lol.. 7 freebies when you spend e35. I wanted bubblelicous and Ak 48 but of course they where sold out of the 48 haha... So maybe this time I'll do PPP and 48 :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there stoney, interesting stuff going down here! I'll be interested in hearing the results. I keep my lights pretty tight and there is a noticable gain in the amount of trics when it's that close. You though I don't think have room for more trics on your buds ; !)


Well-Known Member
About the PPP, yea I might try to get in on the january promo too lol.. 7 freebies when you spend e35. I wanted bubblelicous and Ak 48 but of course they where sold out of the 48 haha... So maybe this time I'll do PPP and 48 :)
now that sounds like an awesome combo!!!!! I hope ya do get those two... i'll keep my eye out for that!!

Hey there stoney, interesting stuff going down here! I'll be interested in hearing the results. I keep my lights pretty tight and there is a noticable gain in the amount of trics when it's that close. You though I don't think have room for more trics on your buds ; !)
there is always room for more trics!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha thanks for checking in and looking bro!!!!! I'm gonna post some pics soon... nothing to exciting, I rearranged a bunch of plants and defoliated a lot of them to!!! I have a small heater in there to... keepin things warm!!!

a few days ago things were thick bushy and getting out of control. so i pulled them all out and defoliated a bunch of them. and i even did some LST work. things are looking better and I have some pics i took two days ago. I'm gonna get them uploaded and post them. for now.. here is a small before and after shot....


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
That's a good seed bank. I have gotten my Ice, Blueberry and White Widow there and not one complaint with the seeds. There was a postal strike in the UK when I ordered the Ice a few years ago and had completely written them off after a few months of not recieving the seeds and then one day out of the blue lol

....Ahaha stoney way to go!! I was just upstairs watering and thought wtf I have a camera now...why do I not have it with me taking pics right now lol


Well-Known Member
That's a good seed bank. I have gotten my Ice, Blueberry and White Widow there and not one complaint with the seeds. There was a postal strike in the UK when I ordered the Ice a few years ago and had completely written them off after a few months of not recieving the seeds and then one day out of the blue lol

....Ahaha stoney way to go!! I was just upstairs watering and thought wtf I have a camera now...why do I not have it with me taking pics right now lol
damn skippy!!! i'm a nirvana fan fo sho!!!!! cool you got your beans like that HC!!! makes for a hell of a suprise!! and yea! WTF??? why don't ya have that thing in your pocket!!! asshole!!!! hahahahah

how do you defoilate
i look straight down on the plant and i use my fingers to pinch and twist off any leaf that is shading a bud on the plant. I always leave the top two leaves intact, sort of a solar panel... defoliating can be done a different times to achieve growth throughout a plants life. it can be done in veg and flowering. I wait till the stretch is over in flowering before tearing them off. certain breeds act differently toward it, and require it at different times. the AK was a perfect time to hit her and the BMF and QQ and new to me so i am just trying them at the same time as the AK because they appear to all grow similar to me. If the QQ and BMF turn out better than the first time i will consider this a success and aim to perfect the timing on the next one....

I just took some new pics... i thought about it and y'all don't deserve day old photos!!!! I'll put em together in a few... I gotta take the trash down to the end of the driveway

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Gotta tell ya stoney looking at your garden put a huge smile on my face! Looking real nice buddy!! that must be your Blueberry in the middle with the faded leaves. Prolly backed off on the nutes because it was a BB? How much longer?



Well-Known Member
nice looking room
Thank you!!!! stop by anytime and check out some more pics!!!!

Got an AK47 seedling going strong @ 11 days.
So is your pheno of the AK more of a Sativa, or an Indica?
SWEET!!!!! i like hearing the word strong, in your comment!!!! Mine is about 80%indica and 20% sativa.... just enough sativa to create some perfect side branching!!!! I so hope you got one of the great ones!!!!

Gotta tell ya stoney looking at your garden put a huge smile on my face! Looking real nice buddy!! that must be your Blueberry in the middle with the faded leaves. Prolly backed off on the nutes because it was a BB? How much longer?
ah man that makes me feel good knowing i can put a smile on your face!!!!!!

yea, you called it!!! nute finicky bitch doesn't get much at all!!!! I honestly can't believe those leaves didn't fall off yet... they have been yellow for a month now!!!!!! i will chop her down this weekend or maybe next week.

I'm glad nobody really noticed the straggly BB that was in the back right corner of the before pic... i chopped her down the other day!!! i didn't post anything cuz she was so tiny!! all her buds fit in one jar!!!

here are a couple pics from her...



Well-Known Member
here are some pics i took last night of the next few plants ready for harvest!!! they were all taken using the white balance color correction on my camera, so the colors may not be true but they look cool and vivid!!!

I think this is a wonder woman, I lot her marker, but i'm pretty sure she is a WWM!!!

this is my blueberry.... she look yummy!!!

this is my BSB x CB... she is my first purple strain!!

this is my Floja x AK48... she has only been flowering a few weeks... but she has a cool double bud on her top!!

and this is my yougest AK47 in flower.... she has only a couple days on her!!!

and a current garden shot....

and i have a stuffed veg box to!!!! looking full and healthy!!! just put some more clones in soil to!!!
