Tiger bloom outdoor?

Hey I’m growing outdoor in a greenhouse plants are getting big and have preflowers have not added tiger bloom yet (I’m using the fox farm trio at about half dilution recommend on there feeding chart) was wondering if I should add tiger bloom now since I am seeing preflowers or if I should wait until after the summer equinox like I was planning


Well-Known Member
If it was me, and I was using FF nutrients outdoors, I would stick with using BG 2 tsp, BB 2 tbsp, 1/2 tsp cal/mag, and 1/2 tsp epsom salt per gallon until daylight hours hit 14:00, which I think where I am at happens around August 8th or 9th this year. As that is when flowering most times really begins! Then I would feed them BG 1/2 tsp, BB 2 tbsp, TB 1 1/2 tsp, 1/2 tsp cal/mag, and 1/2 tsp epsom salt per gallon until chop!