Tiger Stripes on Seeds?


Well-Known Member
i said i looked at all the seeds i had (around 50) and they are non fem'd seeds from some rego's that i bought and THEY ALL HAVE THE DIMPLE. so unless im the luckiest man in the world and all the seeds i got out of some random bag are all females or that pic is misinformation. im pretty sure Fdd posts it for laughs, he also has a thread on how to plant joint roaches to grow a plant lol....he's cool like that.

and if this were true seed banks would be jumpin all over it like that one dude said.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
my favorite part was the guy who called me a moron and told me i didn't know what i was talking about and that my disagreeing with him constituted spamming, all while he proceeded to rave about his unicorn science. well guess what? i have noticed that when i store my seeds in a room that is painted yellow i get all females. write that down guys because i'm a fucking scientist. it is 232% accurate. i have a bunch of femmed seeds and only 1 seed of 1 strain has this dimple, so i guess i got screwed. can you imagine if this was real though? there would be no need for femmed seeds because the seedbanks would be able to guarantee female seeds from their regular stock. i'm still holding my breath for a way to sex seeds or plants using dna and a microscope.


Active Member
Ok so maybe ive been had. Maybe and quite possibly it was meant as a joke posting by fdd2blk. If so I was gullible. My point was and still is that as soon as someone posts new information, people on the internet are quick to point the finger and say you are an idiot. I'll be the first one to admit I don't know everything about growing. I am a seasoned farmer but by no means a master. It's not like im saying if you drown ur seeds in alcohol for 24hrs you will get all females. That's just silly. Sorting seeds by their shape does sound silly too. I can't take the picture down so lets just hope no one believes it. So "total head" you are right, I was wrong. I am a moron. But you have to admit it was funny.

Peace and positive energy to you.


Total Head

Well-Known Member
lol calm down. i was mainly referring to that guy that told me i was a moron and ranted and raved about how accurate this method is and accused me of "spam" because i said it was silly, and proceeded to attack all my posts and tell me to stop spreading misinformation lol. oh the irony of it. i agree there is nothing wrong with throwing ideas out there and getting everyone talking, but getting all angry and calling people names all while defending fake science like that guy did is a bit much. sorry if you got the impression i was attacking you. :peace:

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Sorry but you sir are a moron! The dude who posted is right. I Looked at all your post that you started and 98% of them are post asking if your doing this or that the good way and look like you have poor knowledge.

So instead of spamming stuff that your not even sure, just avoid answering to people!

You can tell the sex From Seeds or Early germinated seeds. People who say its impossible just dont know about it and dont have the knowledge to do so.

I Been doing this since forever and always have females only. I Tryed growing the seeds i removed "looking as male" from the same method and ended up beeing male. So please avoid confusing people with false info!

I bet you feel STUPID u came out strong dont do that again!!!!


Well-Known Member
ahhmm, if you have bag ceed, isn't it possible that a herm pollinated the others, therefore could be fem ceeds.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
No thats not how feminized seeds work if it was a hermie they would just be crappy hermie seeds! U need to force a reg plant to grow balls u cant get a plant that naturally grows nuts!


Well-Known Member
I am apalled that someone would ever give advice that fucking retarded. That is utterly retarded and anyone that buys that shit should not grow ever. Literally retarded info.


Well-Known Member
for shits and giggles, i tried this way. i think i'm just lucky. i sprouted 25 beans, that had the crater. 6 plants got ate by bugs, 5 males, and 14 females. i really believe i was just lucky, but i still would of liked to have seen what the other 6 where, what the hell they are bag seed. i'll try it again, for shits and giggles again. i believe it is bull, but it makes it more fun while picking out your beans.


Well-Known Member
Tiger stripes = GOOD Genes, Could still be male just means it has a good chance at popping! GOOD LUCK


Active Member
that has got to be the most rediculous thing i have ever seen. i cannot believe i just saw that. there is NO WAY to tell from a seed what the sex of a plant will be and i am horrified at the spreading of this kind of info. if that's supposed to be a joke it's not funny at all.
If the site is here for the person who wants to learn more about something they are not sure of,then why post nonsense? You're waiting people's time. I can tell you from my 30+ years experience that you pop the healthy looking ones and then sex em out when they show it. The only way to get it done as far as I'm concerned. I remember when I was a kid hearing " the dark ones are female and the light brown are male"! Totally false. But I will be lying if I told you I didn't try to pop a less healthy looking seed if I lost genetics etc. And got a less healthy plant that I got back healthy and force femed and got a lot of quality seeds. All female. Never had a hermed plant produce a male. It's mother nature. Idk. Maybe I was just as lucky as the other dude in the post. But don't shit on people that are just trying to help the next generation or whatever. ✌