Tilray ads on Leafly


Well-Known Member
I thought LPS weren't allowed to advertise? Mettrum has been running ads on FB and now Tilray is on Leafly... Is there a rule LPs haven't broken yet? And the ones that do are so blatant about it. And yet they are allowed to continue to operate. Yet us patients face jail time if we break any of the government's rules.....
From what I've been told...HC won't do anything until there is an official complaint. Once a complaint has been lodged then they will tell the LP to stop doing it...yeah I know...preaching to the choir.
This has been mentioned before. What does HC consider advertising? So far I've only seen google adwords, facebook banners and youtube videos type advertising for LPs, no print, radio, TV type advertising. Many LPs are really working the social media angle though with twitter, facebook, youtube etc. Zenabis has had online ads for months, are they even licensed yet?
No print, radio or tv. Google adwords isn't allowed either, but some do it until they are told to stop.
That leaves twitter, facebook, etc...
self regulation until a complaint, seems errie like the oil companies "self regulate" until a scientist does water samples then they "investigate the issue" cause it's an "issue" not a "problem"

didn't HC say it was going to "inspect" home grows but never did, then turn around and say they were moldy and unsafe.

It blows the mind

Just once in this day and age I would like to hear something about someone actually doing the job their suppose to do or a company actually following the regulations set out. It's so rampant in our society now from Temporary Foreign Workers to oil companies polluting the water supply (oh sorry there's no scientific evidence fracking does that)
All they do is get a fine that doesn't even matter to them as they made soooo much money breaking the regs it already covered the fine.

One day the sheep will rise up and don't wanna be at the end of the bad side...... LOL "so what did you do in the old days.... I was a banker ..."crack" ....banker that fuckhead!
I wonder which strains are the rebranded H. A. Biker weed they bought up ready to harvest trimmed, dried and irradiated for the patients ???
[/QUOTE]One day the sheep will rise up and don't wanna be at the end of the bad side...... LOL "so what did you do in the old days.... I was a banker ..."crack" ....banker that fuckhead![/QUOTE]
Googling MMPR always gets this ad.
Zenabis - Accordance with MMPR Canada - Zenabis.com‎

Signup today for latest information

There is a Canadian Law that prohibits advertising narcotics to get more people using them. That is the rule that applies to LPs. What is the consequence? Maybe a drug company in Canada has faced consequences before and that will be basis for the new consequences.
I'm a Canadian citizen that has been living in the states for about 20 years now. I never thought I'd see the day where America would become more liberal than Canada when it comes to weed. What the fuck is going on up there?? I want to move back home at some point, but I'll be dammed if I will be sending my money to some marijuana corporation when I can grow it better, and cheaper myself. What a farce!
Frustrating not being able to advertise eh Sid?...Maybe you guys should just put out regular press releases like Medijean, or CEN Biotec, or WeedMD, or...well you get the point.
I'm a Canadian citizen that has been living in the states for about 20 years now. I never thought I'd see the day where America would become more liberal than Canada when it comes to weed. What the fuck is going on up there?? I want to move back home at some point, but I'll be dammed if I will be sending my money to some marijuana corporation when I can grow it better, and cheaper myself. What a farce!
The Harper Conservative Government is what happened up here. Stat where you are...you will probably experience legality before we up here will.
I'm picturing a very large zepplin or blimp....but more dressed up like a extremely large joint....with organigram licenced medical supplies or some other lp in large print on the side....

This vehicle would not be advertising but would be considered more like a company logo on the side of a delivery vehicle...
plus a blimp would have less chance of being hi-jacked....lol
I'm picturing a very large zepplin or blimp....but more dressed up like a extremely large joint....with organigram licenced medical supplies or some other lp in large print on the side....

This vehicle would not be advertising but would be considered more like a company logo on the side of a delivery vehicle...
plus a blimp would have less chance of being hi-jacked....lol

Too Funny...the worlds biggest flying Doob.....
There slogan can be " We'll Dergable your Meds in JIffy" provided we don't blow up on the way over...lol

Please no smoking while flying
Very funny Dan...man it's so nice to see the change in here since Mar21
yes it is nice to be able to shoot off a few fun statements since some of the pressure coming off with the initial results from the federal court date,
everyone was completely on edge before and strung out from worrying about this issue....
Though I figure its long from over....yet. and as with most things the gov...attempts...they have a tendency to waste a lot of time before going ahead and doing what ever it is they were planning to do ...
the only saving grace is the court system really can't let us down...if it does its job properly....
The government usually has a few tricks up its sleeves as well....so I am not prepared to let my guard down just yet....
yes it is nice to be able to shoot off a few fun statements since some of the pressure coming off with the initial results from the federal court date,
everyone was completely on edge before and strung out from worrying about this issue....
Though I figure its long from over....yet. and as with most things the gov...attempts...they have a tendency to waste a lot of time before going ahead and doing what ever it is they were planning to do ...
the only saving grace is the court system really can't let us down...if it does its job properly....
The government usually has a few tricks up its sleeves as well....so I am not prepared to let my guard down just yet....

For sure...my panties are still slightly bunched up. Never trust Stephen Hilter for sure.
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