Tilray flailing big time


Well-Known Member
ya for that kind of taste they might as well cut it down with a mini version of a thresher
and spread it out in the sun for drying......hay taste

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Rush it out the door..make maximum money. No love or even understanding....that's why lots of LP customers themselves call it schwagg.


Well-Known Member
That's about it. But even then I think, fuck those people, working for the enemy. Kinda how I feel about people who work for Kinder Morgan or Enbridge when they spew their bullshit about safety records.

Fuck'em all.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
They are so worried they got the cops to help them survive by forcing the sick to their doors via the police.
If your an LP customer ...shame on you. ....your not doing anyone any good but yourself.