Tilray hiring..again


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Well-Known Member
of course all the LP's now have to "expand" because they over sold tickets to the show and everyone showed up to watch, then they found out they don't have enough seats, some poor fucks have to sit out :finger:

but of course it wasn't expansion to fix that issue.... nope they expand so they can have more customers sign up..... so those poor fuckers can get that sold out message too:cuss:


Well-Known Member
it's only what they want to do. Forward looking statements! Its so they have something to tell investors.
Doesn't mean they have to actually hire anyone.
My god people.
Wake up for cryin out loud.


MMM quit thinkin so deviously :lol:


Well-Known Member
can't help but think it's crop time, and they need more trimmers.
i assume that position is always going to be in demand. basically being low pay grunt work.


Well-Known Member
the new MacDonald's? where kids can work in the summer time...... also where you can get a "mock" chicken at any time of the day!!


Well-Known Member
What's a bud trimmer get paid in the MMPR? The gray/black market guys usually pay $20-25 an hour + smoke n beer. Maybe Tilray needs a smoke n beer bonus!
someone mentioned $12.50 at tilray
..whether that was true or not.

much less than the old going rate anyway i'm sure (was always $20 here, and i imagine much more fun ;) can't imagine doing it as serious full time work for an LP)


Well-Known Member
someone mentioned $12.50 at tilray
..whether that was true or not.

much less than the old going rate anyway i'm sure (was always $20 here, and i imagine much more fun ;) can't imagine doing it as serious full time work for an LP)
LOL and you have to go through security checks to get hired?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
They don't consider their employee's worth much I see...12:50 that's a joke. I can see what kind of greed bags they are.


Well-Known Member
Trimmers at tilray get 12.50 an hour working lng 12 hour shifts then get the boot before getting upto union rate


Well-Known Member
They also sent these young crews into dangerous environments, when they went out to do big crop harvests at
Two wheeler MMar grows.


Well-Known Member
$12.50 eh? That's pretty rough. Considering every employee has to go through security checks (whats that a 6-8 month wait?) before you even know if you are hired just to make barely above minimum wage. I guess some people are that desperate for a job though. Seems like a lot of bullshit for very little in return to me however. Do they offer any sort of benefits package (healthcare, dental, vision etc)? Employee pricing on meds? Profit sharing?


Well-Known Member
$12.50 eh? That's pretty rough. Considering every employee has to go through security checks (whats that a 6-8 month wait?) before you even know if you are hired just to make barely above minimum wage. I guess some people are that desperate for a job though. Seems like a lot of bullshit for very little in return to me however. Do they offer any sort of benefits package (healthcare, dental, vision etc)? Employee pricing on meds? Profit sharing?
Unless its part time benefits wouldn't matter unless its your first job out of high school or your in your 50's and you house is paid off. You can't live like a human being on $12.50 an hour


Well-Known Member
$12.50 eh? That's pretty rough. Considering every employee has to go through security checks (whats that a 6-8 month wait?) before you even know if you are hired just to make barely above minimum wage. I guess some people are that desperate for a job though. Seems like a lot of bullshit for very little in return to me however. Do they offer any sort of benefits package (healthcare, dental, vision etc)? Employee pricing on meds? Profit sharing?
Agreed. $12.50 is crap. And $12.50 without bennys is worse.

- of note however, my last security check took 36 hours. I had a federal enhanced level security check for a government job that included reference checks and an RCMP review of my file not too long ago - took 10 days. No biggie.


Well-Known Member
Ya and at least at McDonald's the employees don't tend to worry they will be followed home after work and worked over