Tilray updates products with "House Blend" shake

Well there's drying racks and then there's shakers tables...........not the same things at all. Seems pretty fucked to steal the very meds from the very meds you sell people. Well what goes around comes around. I always felt treating people honestly worked better than cheating them. Make a lot more friends that way. IMO if you can't do it honestly...don't do it at all.
Why is that some folks seem to think ripping people off is okay? Yet when it happens to them they scream like babies. You get what ya give imo
Sandy.... .
Quit edumacating :lol: ;)

He will come up with some dumb ass comment about 'what he thinks" and surely does not know.
and it shows...continually too
For what purpose? They cant sell hash or extracts, they can't smoke it themselves, and it would only make their shitty weed even shittier if they took the crystals off. What purpose would that serve?

My point was not that LPs are doing this - that was all the LP haters.
My point was that non-LPs do this. And they do sell extracts and they do sell crystal.
My point was not that LPs are doing this - that was all the LP haters.
My point was that non-LPs do this. And they do sell extracts and they do sell crystal.
That's bullshit. Either you were confused, or you're now backpeddling. Go back and read what you wrote and the context of the comment you commented on. The claim was that LP's use shake tables.
spray on 'sugar'

They still use that shit do they..and they sell it to patients??.

HC should know about this :lol:

That $8 OG Skywalker was the best they had and it was that MMAR weed."

They still have it or they're still buying it? :lol:
They don't spray on 'sugar'. They don't use shake tables. Are you people fucking retarded? The more you send HC these idiotic 'complaints' the more they just ignore you.
Only because the person above me said LPs do that.. I just wasn't disagreeing with him. Assuming he's correct, what I said makes perfect sense.

Your reading comprehension leaves much to be desired.
I didn't say anything about LPs. Quote the person who did.

I only spoke to things OTHER THAN LPs. Whether or not LPs have shaker tables is not something I can pretend to be an expert on.

Stay off the pills.