Hey bigman, I have been looking at the legalization issue for 35 years and there have been times when I felt the same way as you-keep the gov. out of it. As I've gotten older, I've gotten a little (lot) less willing to accept government interference in my life, including denying me the freedom to grow a plant. I now actively and publicly advocate for complete legalization with pretty much the same restrictions and controls as alcohol. Just as I can brew my own beer for personal consumption, any adult should have the same right when it comes to cannabis. And much like most people find it more convenient to stop at a beer store for refreshments, the vast majority of rec users would buy from LP's or storefronts, and pay taxes for that. Now that we are on the cusp of legalization, we need to make sure we are loud and clear on what it needs to look like, and accept nothing less.
As far as the election goes...if Harptler gets back in, I'm moving to Iceland or somewhere! I expect a Liberal win- I would prefer a minority Liberal gov. with an NDP opposition. After the shit the CONs have pulled, I don't trust anyone to have a majority.