

Well-Known Member
Any folks got the down low on tilray?
They are apparently starting sales next week.
I heard on good authority they did like some of the other LPs, bought up ready to harvest plants from certain "well connected" MMar growers, trimmed and dried and IRRADIATED it and are about ready to pass this off as medical grade medicine!
On the plants they got growin, they already have mites.
Shoulda started from seed and avoided payin off those growers.
That is a shame to hear. Their site and stain options looked promising. Where did you hear that they irradiate? aren't they suppose to state on their website if they do?
lol giggle giggle, I don't think the university and $ pockets did much thinking about this system. NO americans should be allowed, no dutch! a lot will fall due to having a lot of text book and little mmj growing skills lol and shouldn't be allowed to buy from others, grow your own l.p
lol giggle giggle, I don't think the university and $ pockets did much thinking about this system. NO americans should be allowed, no dutch! a lot will fall due to having a lot of text book and little mmj growing skills lol and shouldn't be allowed to buy from others, grow your own l.p
Its also a question of who they bought from, I heard it was the same "style" of folks who were supplying the tweed deal
Any folks got the down low on tilray?
They are apparently starting sales next week.
I heard on good authority they did like some of the other LPs, bought up ready to harvest plants from certain "well connected" MMar growers, trimmed and dried and IRRADIATED it and are about ready to pass this off as medical grade medicine!
On the plants they got growin, they already have mites.
Shoulda started from seed and avoided payin off those growers.
I don't have the lowdown but I have tried calling them all week and all I get is a cellphone! How the hell are they gonna start mailing meds out on the 28th of April if they won't answer the phone?
Patients are going to be waiting a while for an LP that doesn't completely suck apparently. Just more and more corporate scumbags looking to cash in being approved.
need the large L.P to step back abit and let the med and small L.P show em how to grow da buds, and not buy and sell the same stuff you can buy anywere
A very pricey outfit! 10 bucks a grm.(give or take a buck) No compassionate pricing etc.
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I don't know what these lp's don't understand about the high price. They are actively limiting so many potential clients who can't afford these crazy price $12plus tax a G Where pushing $14/g with shipping. Good luck wit that
$12/g? These LPs must be smoking their own product if they think patients can or will pay above black market pricing. Does anybody have a solid number how many people are signed up under the MMPR? I know there's been a few media estimates of 1800-2200 patients. That would be like 5% of the existing MMAR patients. How many of these supposed 1800-2200 are new patients? How many of these patients have over 1g/day scripts? I don't understand how HC and these companies think they are all going to be multi million dollar businesses generating billions in tax with no customers.
I can't see how they all will pay to keep the lights a burnin.
I guess a year from now we'll see who's left.
Gotta say thought the injunction actually helped the LP's by guaranteeing that any new patient is just waiting to be bled.
Can't get in the old system until the case settles out or it just never happens like it was.
I guess the LP's realize that at least some folks will be forced to buy....or die. Not really a choice there.
I feel 100% sympathy for those who go to an LP. I don't blame them at all. I just feel terrible that the only choice for some is financial hardship.
$12 a gram.....that's a killer in itself for those who need lots of meds each day. I think the judge will see that. Being sick is bad enough, but being poor and sick is even worse.
If were all not treated equal ( not right now we're not ) then we need to allow cheaper access. The legal ability to grow your own or get a DG.
It did work for many.
There may be that many people caught between programs....right now...but I'm not sure how many...really but
with that said....I think a large majority of them would choose MMar set ups over the MMpr ones....simply because of control
under the MMar ..you are in control of the supply,the quality and the cost...but not your personal health info.....
under the MMpr you are in control of how much you pay only....and really only in regards to being able to say no to the highest of prices.....

If anyone would consider paying me, one million dollars per gram...for buds, then I might consider setting up a website,and putting in an application for the MMpr and I promise
not to string you along with respect to production dates and delivery costs...
never mind I'm not really a sell-out
Email and response from Tilray:

Hello, I'm currently shopping for an lp just had some questions.

In regards to the product your releasing next week. Where the plants grown in your Facility from seed to flower by your Employes ?

Do you irradiate your cannabis ?
Do you cure your cannabis and if so how long?
Do you have a compassionate pricing program?

Thank you for your questions.

Our plants were genetically acquired and then lab tested to meet our standards. Moving forward we will be producing everything in-house. We definitely do not irradiate. Curing can vary depending on the moisture content - usually from several days up to a couple of weeks... We do not have any discount programs at this time but we are working on providing this option in the future.

Thank you,

The Tilray Team
I know there's been a few media estimates of 1800-2200 patients. That would be like 5% of the existing MMAR patients. How many of these supposed 1800-2200 are new patients?

Sounds about right from what I've been hearing. A couple of the early starters have the vast majority of that.
Well if you receive an MMAR ATP but have no DG option(because they don't give you that option anymore) your only other options are black market or LP (legal black market)
When Tilray says they don't irradiate does that mean "they" didn't irradiate the stuff they brought in.... cause someone else did? cause ya know starting materials also include ready to smoke buds :-) too, apparently
well. thats an interesting response from tilray admitting they bought up plants, i.e. ready to harvest , the only major discrepancy being the employee who told me he would never buy from the company he works for because the buds are irradiated!
I was surprised that the protocol can be to, Irradiate the failed product, and then re-test....and if it fails a second time then ,blast it again...and retest.... before disposal....hmmmmm
I was surprised that the protocol can be to, Irradiate the failed product, and then re-test....and if it fails a second time then ,blast it again...and retest.... before disposal....hmmmmm

When I heard that I thougth wow.. Everything will be sold in the new system, some will just have to be zapped first.
Also beware of old stock getting retested and considered new again. This is what will happen to some year old bud that doesn`t get sold. Retest it and package it as new!