Time for flower nutes?

Will Ferrell

Well-Known Member
Hello everybody! I'm on my second outdoor grow,last year was interesting, not sure if I'd call it a success, but got my feet wet. This year looks 4 times better.

I have 4 plants, two look like they are just starting to flower, but the other two looks to be still in veg.
Should I start feeding flower nutes for all 4 plants, or continue to give veg nutes? Or give flower nutes for the two that started flowering and continue giving veg nutes for the other two?

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I'd probably alternate between veg and flower nutes until they have finished upward growth. They still need a decent amount of nitrogen in the fist couple weeks of flowering. Alternating the two should ensure they have everything they need. I did a high phos guano, kelp, and fish fert tea last week that kind of covered all my bases.
Ok thanks guys that's what I shall do.
I wonder how much bigger they will get?
I vegged them for about three months inside and moved them outside May 15th. Heres day 1 outside. They were in3 gal pots and I moved them into15 gal pots about a week after being outside. They've gotten a Hell of a lot bigger. I'm pretty anxious to see how they turn out.

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Ha you'll thank yourself when fall comes around. Order some autos from the interweb in the mean time so you get some kind of crop soon.